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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Oct 29, 2001
Can someone out there accplain what changes in the body when training static (what makes you perform better/"avoiding "samba/blackout) ?

(man my english is getting worse and worse....head )

Hmm Noby?

Well, I have been thinking a long time about what changes physilogically when training static.
I have my ammount of red blodcells, and I have my limit concerning co2. But why is some of you so much better than me, why can some of you hold your breath for 4-8 minutes?
What can i change in my body/physiology when training static, and nothing but....? It have to be more complex than just stamina and the brain getting used to low rates of o2?

Some of you gurus and so wellspoken people out there; help a newbe who really want to understand.....

(the road to development is understanding...)

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I will chime in to let you know someone is reading...

Training for static apnea has more to do with increased lung volume and the ability to relax completely.

Martin Stepanik, as an example has a lung capacity of over 8 liters, while the average is only about 4 - 5 liters. Hence his world record is in large part due to his increased lung capacity. He was a swimmer throughout his teenage years and had devloped his capacity at just the right time in his life.

I do have a question though - Static apnea is by no means a good measuring stick by which to judge your freediving capabilities. There are those who are not very good at static apnea, and yet do well in the other disciplines of freediving.

Just my $0.02 worth...
Time in the water, North. Just plain time, along with reading and listening, and anybody tells you different, send them over here for a talking to.

Give Erik here an email- he's got serious game about this stuff.

Hey North, nice to meet you. I didn't see your post for some reason, and I usually try to let other's answer before I step in.
Although we are of course all limited to some extent by our individual physiologies, there is much that can be done to improve that physiology and the capability to resist high CO2 levels and low O2 levels.
First, be in damn good shape. Second, get a notebook, and write down as much as you think is relevant about your training: static and whatever else you do.
This is the routine that got me over 6 minutes....
Do whatever works for you to get the body loosened up and relaxed. For me, this is about a half hour of yoga, and 20 minutes of meditation.
Without breathing up, hold your breath for as long as possible, to the point where you just have to breathe.
Rest and breath deeply and slowly for 2 minutes.
Hold your breath again, as long as possible....this time you might be able to hold a little longer.
2 minute breathe up, then hold again.
Now breathe up for 3 or 4 minutes, but not too long. I experimented with up to a 10 minute breathe up, but it did not help.
Now, for the last 10 seconds of your breathe up, do some quick breathing, then go for the BIG hold.
That's it...simple, but effective. There are some stipulations, and many variables, depending on the individual....eat lots of anti-oxidants: vegetables, fruits, maybe a supplement. Take some extra iron every day that you do this.
Try doing it a lot, say every day, or 3 times a week, and see if you are improving. If your times start to drop, or you get sick, then back off.
Another thing is "belief" encouragement. I will give you an example. Before March 15th of this year, I had never been able to hit 4 minutes on the first hold, no matter what. It just never registered in my head that I should try. On the 14th, I talked to a guy who was asking advice about statics on a chat line, and he said that with hyperventilation, he had hit 4 minutes on his first hold once.
The next day, when I started my static training for the evening, I hit 4:10 on the first hold, and since then, I have been able to do that any day, at almost any time. The point is that once I had heard it could be done, I was able to do it! Psychology is 90% of this sport I believe. So believe, my friend!
If you are serious about it, and put the time in, your body will begin to change, and the times will improve, guaranteed.
Good luck, and please let us know how your training goes,
Erik (Norwegian spelling;)) Young
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...see what'd I tell ya, is Erik the guy or what?

sven eric (the true and correct spelling) anderson
Originally posted by icarus pacific
...see what'd I tell ya, is Erik the guy or what?

:thankyou ....My pleasure. Please remeber that this is ONE method, and it has worked for me....and i change it occasionally too, looking for some extra edge. Next thing I'm going to try is "Manual contractions" starting them at the beginning of the breathold, to see if I can activate the spleen faster. Ya never know.
Now if only my back would finish healing up, so that I could break 5 minutes again:head .....I promise I will never do squats in the gym again.
Erik Y.
sven, you better be a damn good snailsnatching teacher or else i want a refund! :ko
you just show up.

snatchurally! The water let's us in, you're gonna be prying those bad boys off like Aquiles peeling his Speedos.

nothing like burning in an awful visual in the back of your corneas. :yack

thanks a lot!
And off they go bla bla bla.....

Thanks to all out there (many of them with scandinavian origin i guess.....);)

I have a bachelor in "training and physiology", guess that`s why i have this urge to understand what`s going on/what my traing does...

I have now been traing 12-17 hours a week since i was 17, (am now 31), but entering the world of apnea have changed my life! In stead of running the tracks and looking for speed, i am now training and looking for relaxation....

Well have to go, the sky is blue, the snow is long gone, and the water is callling (20 minutes walk/5 min. drive)...

so long!

Originally posted by icarus pacific

sven eric anderson [/B]

Actually, we're all the same guy...Sven...Erik...Eric....Anderson ;)
Erik Y.
Re: And off they go bla bla bla.....

and off we go??? Hey look at our laying in wait for you as a training for statics, as in..." OK, I'm going to post this and hold my breath...":t

I am the Sven-man, coo coo ca choo.
he he

Hmmm well sven erik, that IS what a sweede (?) actually would do.....

PS maby you should head for the water, you all seem a bit delerious,,, Been in there all weekend myself, and man i hate the winter, should be able to do this all year!!



Lasse (from the sweedish name lars erik)
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