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Picture of an average hunt in my paradise spot

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New Member
Oct 4, 2006
I finally took a picture of my hunt away from the area where i dive. This is an average hunt. I stopped hunting the fsih that are on my stringer and looked for a lingcod. I didnt see one today but saw two on thursday.
The fish are all shot using a pole spear. As you can see i only need a spear gun for the big lingcod, hence my holster setup.
There a huge schools of these fish, i could have easily shot 40 of them, and on the way in i got in the middle of a big school of smelt the ones that are about 8" long. It was a beautiful site swimming around these fish.


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Very nice mate,are those fishes originally coming from north america arent they?I saw also pics that you can catch them only if you handle a net in shallows waters.
I am hunting in Northern California. The rockfish you need to shot of fish for them with hook and line. The smelt are also called surf fish and they spawn in the sand at the top of the incomming water from the wave.
I have used a throw net to catch them as well as a A frame net.
I still can not believe you use a hostel. That just scares me. A loaded pneumatic gun pointing into my leg. Big catch though. Do you compete?
Compete..no this is just my spot to hunt when the ocean is calm enough. The holster keeps the gun pointed down my leg. If it was ever to misfire it would just go away from my body.
What i met in my previous post now that i am not rushed is that you need to shot them or use a hook and line. Sorry for the lousy typing.
This is a picture of the hunt in the same place a week before, when there was no sea lions around
Good times. I was up in Mendo last weekend and I was impressed by the amount and quality of the fish up there, not to mention the abs. Do you shore or kayak dive?
The daily bag limit for rockfish is 10. That includes greenling and cabazone. Looks like you did really well in your paradise spot. Nice work
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Sonny i have a firiend that is in his 70's that cant dive anymore that loves fish. when he comes with me he hangs out on shore witha fishing pole and i get him a limit as well as one for me. I also give him my abs that i get.
Kale this is a shore dive one of two places that i have found that is loaded with fish.
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