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Picture visibility test thread

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Feb 16, 2008
Hello everyone.

I have spent some time lately making my own lanyard for use at the Kalymnos course this summer. The total length is 90cm from wristband to carabiner. A steel wire has been used and it has been tested by hanging up a friend of mine that is way heavier than me... (hope he dont read this... )

Can You please have a look at the pictures and tell me if anything needs to be modified to make the lanyard "AIDA-certified"?


Attached Thumbnails
Re: AIDA-proof Lanyard?

Looks fine to me - I can see 2 smaller pictures in Roy's first post and 1 bigger one in his second post.
Re: AIDA-proof Lanyard?

Tried refreshing your page? What browser are you using?

Who else cannot see it?
Re: AIDA-proof Lanyard?

OK - tried the refresh, but nothing. I'm using Firefox as my browser.
Re: AIDA-proof Lanyard?

Bit weird - I can see all photos on my work computer (Internet Explorer) and at home (Firefox).

Outside of my realm of expertise... i'll flick pass to someone else that may know more.
Re: AIDA-proof Lanyard?

(Moving this part of the thread to the test forum.)

Adblocker plugin, maybe?
How have the pictures been added? As links from the web or as attachments using the forum software?
i cant see anything. saw this post a while back but thought perhaps he hadnt attached them properly.
It definitely isn't attached properly - not via manage attachments anyway. Looks like he's just linked directly to the images and that may be causing the servers problems as it has anti-leech code on there.

Use the manage attachment option.
dont know if its related but i am having trouble attaching pics at the minute. Have resized them and they seem low enough but am getting this message. Tried just attaching one of them on its own at first.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3145729 bytes) in /home/swhelan/forums.deeperblue.net/htdocs/includes/class_image.php on line 2360
I see nothing either. And I belive it is probably a file or category permission problem - that explains why Benny (as a moderator) can see the pictures while others not. Normally, I can copy and paste the URL of an image in any post, directly to the browser address field and can see it. Perhaps Roy links to previously uploaded images using a private URL, instead of uploading the pictures, or instead of using a public URL. Or perhaps is his account restricted, or over quota?

At these pictures I am getting the following error:

Last edited:
Is someone fiddling with the server system?
hello again.

In my first post i attached the pictures using the forum software (manage attachement under the post-field)

The second time i opened the picture, copied the url and used the 'insert image' function.

I can of course see the pictures, or else i would delete the post, as the pictures is a vital part of it.

At first i was trying to use imageshack, but had a lot of trouble uploading, so i tried the above mentioned methods...

Hope to hear an answer to this weird problem...

The reason is we don't allow the tag in all forums (in fact it should be disabled everywhere but some have slipped through in permissions). If you [B]must[/B] use the Manage Attachment option to manage you images.

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