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pipin walk

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New Member
Aug 17, 2002
I surfed the net and I Pipin walk was mentioned . Does anybody know what it is?
thanks :duh
there are lots of little variations, but it's basically just a static breath hold followed by an apnea walk - all on one breath.
usually the static is about 2mins, then you walk and measure the distance, rather than total time. obviosuly you can do a shorter static (or longer!) if you want to.
i think the idea is that it simulates a dive. you have a sinking phase which is 'easy', then comes a 'struggle phase' where you are 'working' to reach the surface. i think it's meant to apply to constant as well as nolimts.
yes, i have tried it a few times. last time i did it was about 2 years ago. i'm sure it is a good training exercise. i heard Pipin used to swear by it.

It is referred to as "apnea walk(ing)". Search for that and I guess you will find a lot of stuff. In my opinion it can be rather effective. I have done it during the winter, when it it is just too darn cold. Please note that you CAN fall over unless you are conservative, some prefer apnea walking on the beach.

I thing that's similar to what I used to do in cuba walking underwater with a piece of rock.....but out of water..

the service we render for other is really the rent we pay for our room on on this earth"
Wilfred Grenfell


apnea cycling is definately good. although not when the university girls volleyball team is training! Then it becomes harder to focus :)
How often do you train apnea cycle?.
All the time, or just in the final cycle of your training?.
I remember reading somewhere (mighta been here) about a similar exercise where you hold your breath while going down multiple flights of stairs, and then come up.

So you get used to the psychology of when to turn back (the objective is to hold your breath until u return to top)
Pipin Walks

The Pipin walk is not the same as apnea walking, though they are similar.

Alun's explination of the pipin walk is accuate. 2min static then walk as far a one can.

Which isn't the same as apnea walking, which is walk as soon as one starts holding your breath.

I Just think that Pipin deserves the creadit for that difference. For it is an effective method of trainning and evaluation of your current state.

I like the idea of apnea cycling, though the thought of falling from the bike if you push it a bit too far a little worrying as in some places they place the bike faily close together and the staff my think something bad is happen and may try and prevent any further chance of that occuring again!
Wouldn't be keen on apnea cycling myself due to the falling issue. Mostly as I use SPD pedals on my bike so my feet are firmly clipped to the pedals. It's enough hassle getting off the bike when I'm not about to collapse from not breathing!
I do apnea cycling in the gym - its hard work but it does feel like the struggle part of a dive

how long can people do this for? (not gonna post my time until I know its not too pathetic!)

the recumbent bikes are better as i reckon you are less likely to fall if you do have a wobble!

I do a variation of this where I bike at an anaerobic level for 5 minutes, then I get off the bike and do a static hold. This basically just drops the heart rate by about half from 150-160 to around 80bpm. Then I get on the bike and do 5 minutes aerobic and then I repeat. the breath hold I had for this when I was in good condition was around 45sec - 1 minute.
I was doing my cardio on a gym bike the other day and out of boredom tried holding my breath a few times for just 20 seconds. I was going at a good aerobic working pace where I was breathing close to my maximum and just under an anaerobic pace. I did the first 20-second breathhold, which was so short there wasn’t much time to feel anything, and immediately after, came close to Samba. The room started getting dark, I saw spots everywhere, and I felt real light headed. I just grabbed the bars hard and kept peddling. It was over as quickly as it started and there was no pain or anything. I wasn’t sure if what I thought just happened or not, so I did it. Same result!

It was freaky and cool all at the same time. I was like going on a little miniature drug trip, but at the same time, I was kind of freaked that I could have fallen off and been hurt. The scary thing was that it came after the breath hold. I could have easily pushed the breath hold to 30 or more seconds, and if I had I probably would have blacked out afterwards.
keeping pace with the body's development

Too much or to little exercise is ineffective . Performing the optimal amount of exercise is known as working withing the threshold level of training, wich includes three variables:

1- Intensity- How hard the exercise must be performed to produce overload

2- Duration - How long the exercise must last to be effective9 as duration increase, intensity should decrease)

3- Frequency- How often the exercise must be performed to be effective.Normaly , three alternating days per week is the effective minimun and five days per week the optimun. Less time than this will problabley not be effective and more time may cause overstress or injury.

" Yesterday is a canceled check . Tomorrow is a promissory note . Today is the only chash you have, so invest it wisely"


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My apnea workout is done on Nordic Track or stair machine. I do apnea every 2 minutes of the workout, typically 45 minutes long - 20 seconds hold in the first 1/3 of the session, 25 seconds in the second third, and 30 seconds in the last third. I keep my heart rate at 80%+ of max throughout.

Peter S.
DeeperBlue.com - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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