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Pneumatic spearguns?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2013
I played very briefly with an orange "nemrod" pneumatic gun in the early 80's. I think I used it maybe 4 times before I threw it somewhere to corode.
I've seen folks come & go who praise the benefits of a pneumatic gun. Yet I can't recal a single fish of note or successful competitor down here using one.
Please someone, enlighten me on what I'm missing.

Cheers Sharkey
The installation of a simple O ring on the spear slider has changed airguns into a super smooth, powerful recoil free supergun.
The purpose is to stop the ingress of water into the barrel so the piston does not have to push the water out as well as the spear.
The resulting increase in performance is dramatic.
Search for dry barrel airguns.
The installation of a simple O ring on the spear slider has changed airguns into a super smooth, powerful recoil free supergun.
The purpose is to stop the ingress of water into the barrel so the piston does not have to push the water out as well as the spear.
The resulting increase in performance is dramatic.
Search for dry barrel airguns.

Thank you.

Are they as quiet as a timber gun, & is the power to the length of spear & throw equal?

Cheers Sharkey
Very quiet & similar power to a twin band gun of the same length.
I have used both pneumatic guns and rubber-band guns. While the former has improved over time (Omer Airbalette is a really good gun), they still tend to break down more often than rubber-band guns for obvious reason - made of more parts and require airtightness. So as much as I rely on short pneumatic guns to shoot fish in holes in rocks and in sunken trees (freshwater), overall I prefer rubber bands.
its my pneumatic gun
I'm sorry to be "spoilsport" - but I have to. Nordseal - I know that your post is made with a good intention.

Please don't promote shooting a speargun above water. A speargun is a dangerous machine and it should only be used as intended. Doing so exposes both yourself and others for the risk of lethal injury.

We need to have high ethic and moral standards and act very responsible if we don't wish further restrictions or ban of spearfishing and spearguns. It's so easy for a politician or interest group to start a self promoting crusade against us. Please don't give them any reason to do so.

There might exist some test circumstances where it can be done in a controlled and safe environment - thought I doubt, that any results could be very useful, as it not represents it's underwater use. There is no benefit in practice shooting above water, as the conditions are to far apart.

Another thing is, that it is likely that it will harm the gun. This being a RPS-3 or any other gun. The RPS-3 is not stronger built or more powerful than other pneumatics in that size. It's the absence of water - that's what it's all about.

I'm sorry to be "spoilsport" - but I have to. Nordseal - I know that your post is made with a good intention.

Please don't promote shooting a speargun above water. A speargun is a dangerous machine and it should only be used as intended. Doing so exposes both yourself and others for the risk of lethal injury.

We need to have high ethic and moral standards and act very responsible if we don't wish further restrictions or ban of spearfishing and spearguns. It's so easy for a politician or interest group to start a self promoting crusade against us. Please don't give them any reason to do so.

There might exist some test circumstances where it can be done in a controlled and safe environment - thought I doubt, that any results could be very useful, as it not represents it's underwater use. There is no benefit in practice shooting above water, as the conditions are to far apart.

Another thing is, that it is likely that it will harm the gun. This being a RPS-3 or any other gun. The RPS-3 is not stronger built or more powerful than other pneumatics in that size. It's the absence of water - that's what it's all about.


in this video I'm not.
I'll stick to my safety.
the shaft in this gun 9 mm.
like many modern rifles are shaft 9 mm?
Code-name of RPS-3 "riller of elefant".
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Killer of elephant? - that's a nice one :)
I own a Russian RPO-2 - it's not as powerful as the RPS-3 and I understand that the RPO-2 has the nickname "long green stick" or "green shit" :)

No, you're right - most modern European oleos uses 7 or 8mm shaft.

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I've got to agree with Jegwan on this, whilst I'm not apologetic to the antis, we do have to be wise in how we use spearguns & how some people might perceive them.
Also, I am hoping to learn about pneumatic spearguns, & their performance on fish & in the water. I have no reference to compare to your video as I've never seen a speargun fired above the water before. Sorry I'm wrong. I remember seeing some blokes shooting lead sinkers (not spears) at seagulls at the beach out of a CO2 gun in the 70's. CO2 spearguns are illegal in Australia now!

I'm interested in learning more about that pike which you speared.

Cheers Sharkey
I use a 70cm Medi Sten 11 with a Tomba slider kit when hunting Ocean trout very close to the shore during night. The gun shoots right through the touts at distances up to more than 3 meter - even with a low pressure in the gun. It's shoots silent and precise and have very little recoil.

Dry barrel ørred.jpg

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Killer of elephant? - that's a nice one :)
I own a Russian RPO-2 - it's not as powerful as the RPS-3 and I understand that the RPO-2 has the nickname "long green stick" or "green shit" :)

No, you're right - most modern European oleos uses 7 or 8mm shaft.


Yes. RPO-2 no good. But in RPS-3 can use 60KG/Sm2 in sten only25-30KG/Sm2 maximum.
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