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Pneumatic spearguns?

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But I hunt in rivers and lakes with a visibility of 2-3 meters.
And long gun will get in the way.
Fish can be found and 25-30 kg and more. And need a strong cannon.
Yes. RPO-2 no good. But in RPS-3 can use 60KG/Sm2 in sten only25-30KG/Sm2 maximum.

60! wow. Impressive. I like that together with the 9mm spear. Then I'm mistaken saying it's not stronger than the modern ones. Sorry about that.
You can go more than the recommended 30 bar in a Sten - but there's a risk it leeks - and it's no good if the spear is 7mm.

But I hunt in rivers and lakes with a visibility of 2-3 meters.
And long gun will get in the way.
Fish can be found and 25-30 kg and more. And need a strong cannon.

Yes, true - it's not the same kind of hunting - I understand. The small powerful Russian pneumatic and hydropneumatic guns with 9-10mm spears are perfect for your needs.

It's only legal to spearfish in the sea in Denmark

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Down here other things hunt at night too. lol
I'm happy to swim around & shoot fish with tigers or whalers about all day, so long as they are relatively well behaved. After dark their attitude changes ,especially that of the tigers, which aren't the big ole docile fish they are in the daytime.

I can remember in the early/mid 70's when I was even too young for a speargun, I'd sneak out at night & go diving with a water proof torch which I'd saved up for. I don't know if Im more of a coward now or better informed, but I'd not do it now. lol

Cheers Sharkey
Luckily we don't have any shark problems here in Denmark. Biggest thing I'll meet here is another diver or a seal..

Back to the pneumatics... What about this old one Sharkey:

It's a Mares Bazooka. 140cm midhandle with 10mm spear, 3 different power settings..


Where can I read about this gun?

Yes, that does look interesting!

Between you blokes on here raising my interest in these new guns & several of my mates doing their best to convert me to the "dark side" with their blackpowder rifles, I'll be bankrupt in no time. lol

Is this gun going to have similar power to a conventional rubber gun with a 10mm x 180omm spear with 3 stiff 16mm rubbers?

Cheers Sharkey
Well, I don't know as I have not tried it yet - but I'm sure it is very powerful. Mares intention was to make a gun for large fish in open water. The gun is designed so it can take a high pressure - but the problem will be to load it - you need to have long strong arms.

In the old thread I referred to above, is it Don Paul's idea to make a dry barrel version of the old gun and use it for blue water hunting. I don't know if he succeeded modifying his Bazooka. I'm sure it would be very powerful if converted - and it would be possible to use a lower working pressure making it easier to load.

I'm rebuilding mine and considering the same, so I might be able to answer your question better if I end up doing so. The gun's power is far beyond what I would ever need here in Denmark - So I might have to visit your region to try it 1:1.

Years ago a quite famous free diver "Pipin" used a very long special made Mares Sten (140 or 150cm I think) with success.
We have a member here "Gazz" that uses a 135cm dry barrel converted Seacsub Asso. You can read more and see videos about it here: http://forums.deeperblue.com/threads/project-asso-135.96455/

I also like the long multi band woodies and think they are very good for the big hunt like you do.
One of the things that made me interested in pneumatics (and I like about them) are their size compared to their power. It makes it a good travel companion.

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Yes. It's good it's a midhandle. Anyway; an extended loader should do the job with a little practice. Another good thing about the pneumatics are that you can practice the loading with reduced pressure in the gun. You can always increase it as you get better

Nice pike, what other species can you catch in Bélarus.
Does anybody knows how come fresh water fish can be the same in different continent.

You must be right. But its hard to believe. I know it´s thousands of thousands of years. But you gotta be a lucky fish to cross the ocean in the belly of a bird, get into freshwater and rebreed with another fish of thé same species that had that same luck. Or even eggs stuck in feather they had to cross thousands of miles. I don't Know if they were there before the continents split.

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