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pneumatic waterjet UV-scooter "DPV"

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 10, 2005

I have seen the generall "diver propulsion vehicle" wich looks like a fat batterypowered torpedo and appears to be rather slow and clumsy. I wonder if there is any high prestanda alternative to this type of UV-scooter

my thought about it is that using a standard scuba tank to propell water through a nozzle (like its done in waterjet boats) would give impressive power since it is possible to release the energy much faster than it is possible to drain the power in a battery. a calculation I found on the net gave that the power in a 300 bar 12 litre scuba tank would give you about 5 hp in 7 minutes. if you use it up in 3.5 minutes you would then get 10 hp and so further.

if you released all the energy instantly it would give you the power in a handgrenade times 3 equal to about 600 kilogram TNT...

this gives that releasing the pressure fast into a watertank to propel water through a nozzle would give you rocket performance! while still be able to save the energy and podle around slow using the regulator

If you search the net for "water rocket" you will find pictures and videos about the principle of it.

my question:

have anything like this been developed?
is there any uv scooters using a scuba tank as energysource?

Im not an active scuba diver and havent tried any uv scooter "live" my opinions is grounded on what I have read. correct me if Im wrong

any thoughts about this is very welcome!

best regards/ Linus
Yes there was a company that made something along these lines a few years back. The main problem becomes the need for ever increasing gas supplies for deeper depths, plus the fact that it's cheaper to charge up a battery than fill a scuba tank with breathable air.

well you mean wich unix version? no idea. not using it, surely good anyway.
and blade runner is a good movie!

but do you got any ideas about my topic?

have a good day!
/Linus (not using Linux currently)
As I'm sure you know Linus Torvalds is the man who developed the kernel of Linux operating system. "86" .. is usually a general reference to Intel made Processros.

So I naturally I assumed you were a Linux fan. hehe !

anyways, regarding the original subject, I did some searching on the net and didn't come up with anything that would point to a mass produced DPV that would use compressed air out of the scuba tank as a propellant or a source of energy.
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