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Pole spear paralyzer tip bending?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2004
Went out fishing with a pole spear yesterday which had a paralyzer tip. When going through the fish the tip really bend (more than 45 degrees). After every shot I just bent it back and it was fine but I'm concerned that in the long run the steel would get weaker and eventually snap. Is this normal, do paralyzer tips usually bend like that?

Anyways, I ended up loosing the tip because it got unscrewed when the pole was tied to the float and I need to order another tip so any feedback would be appreciated.

Don't bother with a tip. On the telegraph cove trip, I borrowed JimDoe's pole spear, and like you the tip unscrewed and I lost it. However I kept hunting without the tip and caught a nice copper rockfish. In fact the spear was much faster without the tip. The blunt end has the advantage of pretty much killing the fish instantly due to the huge diameter!

Iceselkie got a nice video of the rockfish impaled on the blunt spear!
Thats a good idea, I haven't thought of that. I'll give it a shot before ordering another tip.

Hahaha, Fattah the fish bonker :D

Matrix: ys they flex, this is how a barbless tip like a 3 prong paralyzer can hold so well, it grabs and hold a big hunk of meat and leats to muscular and neuro disruption in the fish.

you can also try a slip tip (John makes those too) for larger fish. I bought one of his SS hardened paralyzers and have beat the hell out of it shooting around rocks. I just keep bending it back. no worries yet. use some loctite or a little teflon tape next time.

although Eric did slay that rockfish with a tipless pole spear I don;t recomend it. it's very hard on the threads ;) if you want speed look at a single flopper tip or a slip tip.