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Polespear in the UK?

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Soul Deep

New Member
Jul 14, 2005

Does anyone use a Polespear in the UK?

I can understand why they are used in areas of the world with good Vis and you are surface fishing but in the UK a 6 foot Pole becomes awakward to manuver when in ambush for a Bass between a crevice in the rocks and some Kelp!
According to the Spearfishermans Handbook, there was a bloke, Roger Libby?, who used to fish with one in the UK back in the 70's. He was able to catch bass so I guess it can be done......
I'm in the process of shipping in a travel fold spear from the US www.foldspear.com it looks pretty good and as far as I can gather, if you learn to fish with a polespear by the time you get a gun you're gonna clean up. Plus there's the whole 'back to basics' aspect to it as well, catching fish with a stick and eating them has a real primative feel about it. Also, when you consider the actual (accurate!!) range of speargun, a 6-8 foot polespear isn't that far behind!?
I checked your link Broomstick and I liked what I saw!

The 'purist' approach of the pole spear appeals to me much like bow or crossbow hunting. Did you order direct from Foldspear or via a dealer? Often shipping charges from the US to UK can be disproprotionate. How much have you been charged?
Still waiting for costs to come through but I'll let you know, shouldn't be too bad though as I've just shipped over some replacement firearm spares from the US and them were pretty reasonable.
Tim1 said:
The 'purist' approach of the pole spear appeals to me much like bow or crossbow hunting.
I would have thought Crossbow and Bow hunting was similar to hunting with a speargun?
and Hawaiian sling/polespear to be the equivalent of using a javelin:)
I take your point Huan :) However I was comparing bow or crossbow hunting with rifles. I should have made myself clearer...
agreed boom + tim, as a newbie spearo i really like the idea of getting a thorough grounding in the basics of underwater hunting technique. the psychological aspect of hunting is fascinating - clearing your mind of aggressive and negative thoughts, avoiding eye contact etc. rock hunting. trying to herd the fish. silence. body language - comparing the behaviour of fish when the spear is packed up as opposed to when it's extended.

the discipline of learning while using something as simple as this does interest me a lot. if you got even halfway good on one of these imagine what you'd be like when you stepped up to a 90 cm! :p
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I've just done the maths.

Purchase from the states about $190 total (spear - $99, tricut tip - $23, shipping (say) $30, duty and customs - (say) $10, VAT - $28.35)

Purchase from UK about £80 (spear and tip). I havn't been charged VAT on past shipments from Apnea (Channel Islands).

It seems as though Apnea win hands down on price and I'll get the spear in a couple of days...
Hi All, the shipping for a fold spear from the states would be $20 but foldspear themselves pointed me at www.apnea.co.uk but they don't seem to stock the correct tips so you need to get an adaptor (more expense!!) but at lease it should be free postage.
Have you tried to contact Dave at Spearo or Steve at Apnea? They may be able to help you out They both have an awsome service and its good to use our local dealers, we dont want to loose them :)
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