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Polyorg Online Shop

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


will freedive for beer
Sep 25, 2004

Has anyone had any experience dealing with the online store Polyorg ( http://shop.polyorg.de/)? They seem to have some good monofins however after translating a couple of comments in some German forums there may have been some negative experiences (though babelfish may have let me down again :confused: ).

Would be good to hear of people's thoughts.

Well, I ordered some glue from him. It was supposed to be the "elastosal watersport" 2-component superglue or something like that.

What I got was the hardener and some neoprene glue. So not quite there...He was replying my queries and mails up to that point eagerly, but when I asked about the glue, they never replied.

So I didn't quite get the courage to order a 500e mono from him yet.

But if someone succesfully did, please share your experiences
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Hi !

I have ordered and received a monofin from Polyorg and I must say that I'm very happy with it, it was a long wait for the fin but the final product is very nice.
A word of caution: when you order something keep a sharp eye on what he writes you, as I ordered a custom made foot pocket and he tried to give me a stock fin.
So all in all an ok place to shop but I’m sure that you get just a good a product on Waterway.dk
Well ... I guess its not that ok ...
I ordered my fin with a promis it would take 3 weeks so I thought ill have the fin in March to start the season with it ....
2 weeks ago I recieved the fin - but in a different size ... so now we are straigtening things up ... I recieved a promiss that thw WW would ship so in 10 days its there and then i will be sent to me - the right size - so we will see in 14 days i suppose ...
so far ... the fin seems very nice ... the person in the shop seems a nice man, though sometimes hard to get reply from ... but I would not bet a diving season or competitions on their speed of delivery .....
Since most of the monos on that page are from Leaderfins, I'd suggest buying them directly from www.leaderfins.com. And if it's something else it would be wise to search up the website of the producer.
SanderP said:
Since most of the monos on that page are from Leaderfins, I'd suggest buying them directly from www.leaderfins.com. And if it's something else it would be wise to search up the website of the producer.
Indeed, I agree with you there. I've dealt with Waterways before and found Bogdan to be incredibly helpful, my overall customer experience was very good. I also have friends that have ordered from Leaderfins and have had positive experiences. My problem is that the models i'm looking at aren't as easy to find information on. I've found the Hyperfins website and have sent them an email, however I know virtually nothing about Kershkov and the Gipper model.

Thanks to those that have responded, I think a few people have been pondering this question and hopefully this thread will help them along.
Hi Benny,
can you share that address? I still have some doubt about polyorg, so I really want to check out other possibilities too. It's a good thing that a couple of people works on the same thing (how to buy that russian mono!!!) though, maybe we'll find a way soon ;)

Hi Elisabeth,

The website is http://hyperfins.ru/eng.index.php , i'm not sure if it's updated regularly, it seems to be a little old.

I also found out in my googling that Gipper or Giper is the russian way of saying Hyper. According to the Hyperfins website, the (original) difference between hyper and flyer fins was that hypers used a spongy rubber on the wings whilst the flyers used a vacuum rubber which is harder.

I don't know if this rule is still relevent, producers may have changed things over the last couple of years yet still keep the names flyer and hyper.

Anyway, good luck and let us know how you go!

Hi !!! in order to complement the info provided for BennyB we can say:

The main difference between Leaderfin's Hypers and Leaderfin's Flyers is the angle between footpockets and blades. Leaderfin's Hypers has biggest angles than Leaderfin's Flyers. The rubber for Leaderfin's in both models are the same. Models "PRO" has porosity, and non "PRO" has rubber without any porosity avoiding deformations caused for water pressure in depth.

see images here for better understanding about models


and the angle between blade and Footpockets in Hyper


I hope this info can help people to understand this merge of Hyper, Flyers, HyperFlyers, Gipper, Gippers, etc....

With best regards from Spain, Luis
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