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Poor viz in the south west uk

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New Member
Aug 6, 2005
Has anyone else noticed the very poor viz in the lime bay area from beer to exmouth, its a bit like "May water" (plankton bloom) but in August, First you get a layer about 2 metres of opaque water a bit like frosted glass then the rest is full of bits .
Its the same low and high tide , this time of year the water should be very clear I have been told that they pump the sewerage out from sidmouth at high tide :rcard can this be true
Poor vis all the way up to swanage at the moment chap.Does seem to be like may water with plenty of plankton about,but surely this should encourage small fish shoals to feed and entice the bigger fish also.Strange swell about aswell at the moment but no real wave action.Very strange.Not too sure about the sewage being dumped at high tide,not good if true though.
Living in this part of the world im used to poor viz ,i did my diver training in exmouth and worked on the boat morrings in the river with nill viz but that was always was defined by the amount of rain and swell. but we have not had any of this for the last few weeks mabe its all the sunshine
Well if the vis wasn't bad enough already as i'm writing this looking into the garden the branches on the trees are starting to sway in a strong breeze.Can only wait until morning to see what happens :duh
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