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Portugal Worlds 2006

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New Member
Oct 24, 2003
Here the results after the first day of fishing:

Classificação - Dia 16
1º Saez (Chile) 100%
2º Silva (Portugal) 84%
3º Lagutin (Ucrania) 66%
4º Torres (Portugal) 58%
5º Ramaciotti (Italia) 55%
6º Bellani (Italia) 48%
7º Fouc (Tahiti) 45%
8º Cid (Espanha) 45%
9º Enrico (França) 40%
10º Bosquez (Chile) 40%
11º Mancia (Italia) 39%

14º Osorio (Portugal) 34%
16º Fuentes (Espanha) 28%
18º Ortiz (França) 26%
22º Thoni (Brasil) 22%
23º Carbonel (Espanha) 21%
26º Benoit (França) 17%

And the biggest fish was shot by my friend Daniel Marquez (Peru): a denton weighing 5.775Kg. See the attached picture.

Despite the hard sea conditions, there were some remarcable fishings!




  • Daniel- Denton.jpg
    150.7 KB · Views: 186
Rcerdena thanks for the report but do you have any more info on what fish were actually caught?
Reports say: 3meters high waves, weather prohibitive. Great performance on the second day too by chilean Saez and spanish Lopez Cid.
For us italians it's going bad: we've had 3 men in the top 11 on the first day, but the second is reportedly a havoc. Read this one, incredible news:
The 2004 World Champ Stefano Bellani lost his fish stringer! It dropped out off the boat and disappeared in the waves. But this is not an excuse: he had no chance to win anyway.
See you later, mates.
1 Saez (Chile, new world champion)
2 Silva (Portugal)
3 Santiago Lopez (spain)
4 Rui Torres
Congratz and good night :vangry :head :rcard :crutch
I couldn't download the rules previously and these results earlier today, because of an incompability with my browser, Firefox. So I had to download the results via Int. Explorer.
Re: Worlds 2006: Final Standings

spaghetti said:
About the english, Lee Deighton did an outstanding performance on Day 2, when he made 31 thousand points.
Lee is an exceptional diver, expect to see a lot more of him in the future, this is only his second season of competitions!
Good to see Andre Lagutin in the top ten.At the worlds in Chile he got one of the biggest cheers of the day when he went up to collect his medal (he seems to know EVERYONE, and is an amiable lunatic!). Bad viz wont have bothered him as he does most of his fishing at home in rivers:head
In respect to Spaghetti and due to conflict of interests, I'll abstain to comment on this competition and their participants. However, as a environment-conscious spearfisher, I feel sad to still see in meets those stringers full of small bass, sargos and salemas. :head

I agree with you, killing all those small fishes is very unethical, I think it gives the sport a bad name. I thought the rules have being change to prevent all of that.
strangelove said:
I thought the rules have being change to prevent all of that.

Those guys, spefically, have for few years an individual species limit of 10 fish, that basically doesn't change anything. "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose".
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Ted, why me? I gave up comps for the same reasons you mentioned, and I'm a "One-Fish-For-Dinner" spearo now. But it's a personal choice: just a personal choice. And for me we should be careful in making points like this, cause if we start blaming spearfishing competitions, we blame spearfishing itself. Those fishes caught at the Champs are as big (or as small) as the average ones normally caught by most of the euro/mediterranean recreational spearos every day. And raising the minimum size/weight in competitions would not help preservation wise, for reasons you probably know better than me.
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Boys, IMHO we should keep emotions out of the room, or we risk to open a can of worms for nothing: poor small fish...my ethics is better than yours...Come on, let's focus on facts.
Only 6 (six) of the World Champs participants got more than 30 fish total in 2 days, and only 26 participants in total got more than 20. They were all fish bigger (I said bigger) than half a kilo, as just a few participants got penalties for undersized catches, so what are we talking about?
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