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Post Dive Cleaning of Wetsuits

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Wisconsin Speargun Hunter
Mar 2, 2007
I know this topic has been covered before. (About 5 years ago.) I was wondering if anyone has come up with a product or system that gets the wetsuits clean. Or what routine do you do after a Dive? Soak, don't soak? I'm also using wetsuits with OPEN CELL Interior.
I have two deep plastic ammo boxes. When I get home from a dive I rinse my suit and everything else with the hose pipe, then fill the one box with a dettol or savlon and water solution. I dunk my suit in there a couple of times or soak it for a few hours and then rinse it in clean water in the other box. Hang in Garage to dry and then back into the cupboard. The dettol or savlon kills the germs built up in the cells from sweat and urine and whatever else you put in there that makes your suit smell bad...
I just hose mine down in the garden inside and out then just dry it on the washing line turning it inside out once the outside is dry. I also put it in the washing machine on the coolest setting once a year at the end of the season. I think that making sure it is properly dry after rinsing is key to hygiene
It helps if you use anti bacterial soap in your lube solution.
I just hang mine up and let it dry out most of the time, every 4-5th trip I'll rinse it with fresh water. I've never actually washed it and it doesn't smell at all. Mind you I've got a strong bladder and have never needed to feel that extra special warmth....
My stuff I rinse really well if I'm in Salt water then when I get home from the trip I get some "Sink the Stink" and soak it in that. I rinse all my other equipment too, to get the salt and sand off and soak it at the end of the trip. I don't blast it with a hose, I just run water over it. I don't want to push the sand and salt in deep into opening, kind of flood it out.

Freshwater is a little different. I use it a few times rinsing with a hose after each use. Once it gets too dirty I'll use the Wetsuit conditioner again. If it smells real fishy after a dive (excesive carp slime ) I take a little more time to get it cleaned up.
Crumbs! when i come out of the water & get home I am far to busy filleting fish for all that stuff
Crumbs! when i come out of the water & get home I am far to busy filleting fish for all that stuff

That's why it's usually a rinse with the garden hose Or after I get home from a longer trip.