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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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give me gills!
Jun 18, 2003
I was serching through the forums for pranayama techniques. There are some really good ones out there. I am curious, if there is someone who practices this everyday, and found it extremely helpful, could you share your training method? I'm open to any other "Eastern" related training as well. (Tai-chi, Qui-Kong, diffrent forms of meditation, etc)

Much thanks in advance!

I am doing pranayama every morning for a few weeks and it is very helpfull. You must try it. This is my program (I found it on the net):

1. Basic 5:0:10 Pranayama for twenty rounds to relax the body and mind...

2. Next, twelve rounds of Kapalabhati to decrease CO2. Pull your abdomen in and then forcefully using the diaphragm exhale almost like a sneeze. Immediately relax and let the natural fall of diaphragm refill your lungs. The Pranayama pattern will become 2:0:1

3. As Kapalabhati is quite forcefull we should return to our basic 5:0:10 Pranayama for another twenty rounds

4. Nadisuddhi - to decrease oxygen consumption and lower the hart rate. Pattern is now 5:5:10. Repeat for forty rounds

5. Now modify the Nadisuddhi to become Chandrabhedana. Build to a pattern 12:12:24 over 20 rounds.

6. Now return to 5:0:10. Now change it to a deep rhythmical 5:20:10 using modified Valsava-Jivha Bandha to obtaing the breath-hold. As you become more proficient feel free to progress to longer pauses while maintaing the 1:4:2 ratio

It all takes about 50 minutes..
Let me know how are you doing...
Reactions: Jon
the breath

Breath- air out or into the body of a living being.Two hebreo terms are translated,"Breath" Generally neshamah is used in manner to refer to the fact of breath in all forms of life .It is concerned with the physiological concept of breath with a primary emphasis on breath as a principle of life..IT identifies God as a source of life.

Ruach refers more to the psychological idea of breath by relating it to one's own will or purpose. this is keeping with its primary meaning of spirit,with either refers to the inner force of a person

God is sovereign of life. He gave breath to human initially in creation- God has the power to restore life--He control nature and weather by his breath-he sustain life --The breath can be weak--it is limited--and -those who breath are expected to praise God psalm 150-6

Genesis 7-22 job 27-3 dan 5-23 ezekiel 37-9 job 37-9 daniel 10-17 psalm 150-6 job 9-18
nes, what's this all about.... he just asked about breathing techniques
Reactions: efattah
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