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Preparing for a deep and lond dive...

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Sea fanatic
May 2, 2005
I have a question and am curious about your opinions and your experiences....
what is the best way, according you guys, to prepare yourselves for a dive....a deep and long dive on a 2 hour hunting trip?
I try to keep 4/5 minutes between each dive, to ventilate, the last minute I breath a bit slower , a little bit deeper( not hyperventilating though, and I the last 3 breaths, are deep and I throw out all the air before the dive...then I equalize before the dive(really helps me)
How do you guys do this?
I've never tried equalizing before the dive, I will try that. I wait 2-3 minutes between dives. I have tried 3 fast breaths and then a deep one before the dive and also just some deep breaths and haven't noticed much difference. I think in my limited level of freediving maybe the difference doesn't show. What do you mean by "throw out all the air", do you mean breath out?
Hey,Takeshi....yeah, I read that equalizing before you dive here on this site, really works..well for me...with the throwing out I meant to breath out all the air in your lungs.
By the way, just out of curiosity...where do you practice or dive, I see you are from sweden?
( I am from Holland, but now live in Spain ;-))
Spearfishing is illegal in sweden but I think the best spearing would be on the west coast north of göteborg. On this side of the country things are dead. The best legal spearing close to here I think is norway with alot of fish and good visibility.
We do some freediving right here in the city but it never gets deep, the deepest I found here is 14 m, and the visibility is below all sane standards. There are som nice wrecks though and lots of junk. The stockholm archipelago offers freediving with ok viz but very little fish. Gibraltar must be an eldorado in comparison.
Gibraltar is amazing, when I moved here,( well I live across the boarder in Spain 500 meters from Gibraltar), I fell in love with the whole thing here, deep waters, big fish, there are dolphins here, wales etc...
Fish is bigger here then in the med, this half med/atlantic...and a couple of serious spearo's here.
you have probabaly heared of them on this site (Shaneshac and Memo), they helped me out a bit, and in Spain also a few good guys who I can join on there dives....so lucky me..one of these days I am going with these guys....Looking for AJ,s...but like everything in life there is a downside....Moved here, nice diving sports, food etc....but a s***t job.......
Regards, Mike
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