I’m after a bit of advice about helping my performance underwater when spearing. I don’t get in the sea as much as I’d like, about once a month and only started spearing a short while ago really.
When doing some buddy training in the pool on dynamics, I’m very relaxed, loads of time to breath up – life is comfy and all is easy.
Give me a gun, float line etc. and I’m diving like I never heard of relaxation. I’m in the water floating or a bit of paddle around and I WANT MY FISH – hang on, there’s something now, go now and dive on it, go go go get that fish!
It’s not like I’m stressed by swell or being in the sea – sun is shining, whales are singing, life is good.
The bottom structure is usually a little hard to see due to depth and vis, working out what is a pattern of reef vs. the pattern in my eye is deceptive.
The choice of when to dive when in a little current and with no strong indicators of what the bottom structure is like does stress me a little – my level of ability means I don’t dive again and again with short intervals and I don’t go deep. So if do a speculative dive now to see what’s there and see something interesting it will be a few minutes before I can go pick up that fish I just saw on the 1st dive? I should just rush things and get it now otherwise it will be gone or I’ll miss hitting this spot again………………Or maybe this reef is just out of reach and I’ll be 10m off a shallower spot that I could have got in amongst.
Dismal bottom time, and a lack of fish that could/should have been.
Something about diving with the extra gear and for a purpose other than just mooning around underwater is pushing my buttons, and the usual relax and breath up until ready to go style of preparation seems impractical somehow. I’m rushed, jerky and slightly desperate mess at depth – no wonder the fish take one look at me and head for the hills.
Any thoughts on how to think about preparing for each dive that fits in a little more with the dynamics of being out spearing rather than pure freediving? Hints to relax etc.?
When doing some buddy training in the pool on dynamics, I’m very relaxed, loads of time to breath up – life is comfy and all is easy.
Give me a gun, float line etc. and I’m diving like I never heard of relaxation. I’m in the water floating or a bit of paddle around and I WANT MY FISH – hang on, there’s something now, go now and dive on it, go go go get that fish!
It’s not like I’m stressed by swell or being in the sea – sun is shining, whales are singing, life is good.
The bottom structure is usually a little hard to see due to depth and vis, working out what is a pattern of reef vs. the pattern in my eye is deceptive.
The choice of when to dive when in a little current and with no strong indicators of what the bottom structure is like does stress me a little – my level of ability means I don’t dive again and again with short intervals and I don’t go deep. So if do a speculative dive now to see what’s there and see something interesting it will be a few minutes before I can go pick up that fish I just saw on the 1st dive? I should just rush things and get it now otherwise it will be gone or I’ll miss hitting this spot again………………Or maybe this reef is just out of reach and I’ll be 10m off a shallower spot that I could have got in amongst.
Dismal bottom time, and a lack of fish that could/should have been.
Something about diving with the extra gear and for a purpose other than just mooning around underwater is pushing my buttons, and the usual relax and breath up until ready to go style of preparation seems impractical somehow. I’m rushed, jerky and slightly desperate mess at depth – no wonder the fish take one look at me and head for the hills.
Any thoughts on how to think about preparing for each dive that fits in a little more with the dynamics of being out spearing rather than pure freediving? Hints to relax etc.?
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