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prescription lens

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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May 13, 2003
I wonder if someone can help me, I am short sighted and am finding it very difficult to obtain lens for a apnea mask. I dive in a mares seta at the moment but would rather a mask of lower volume. my prescription is -8.75 but most companies only go to -6 or so. Any ideas???
There a company in Milwaukee called DIVESIGHT. They have made many Rx masks for me in the past- before I had LASIK surgery.

I have -7.5 and have always dove with contacts. No problems, excellent peripheral vision. YMMV.
Cheers for that, but I have tryed contacts and they dont agree with me, which is a pain as it would mean less hassle.
any more sugestions?
A Beuchat mask has low enough volume for -60 meters with good visibility. An optometrist in San Diego installed full size lenses. Works for me. If you can't find someone closer, it will probably cost £150.
Bill turned me on to these guys in San Diego. Yeah I know it's not next door to you, but they did a great job on my masks... as in a few and they even did a set for my helmet lens plate. Good people!

Prescription Dive Masks 1 800 538 2878 www.prescriptiondivemasks.com

Thanks again Billiam!

Thanks Bill and icarus pacific for all your help.

Ive had a look at that site and they actually do internatonal shiping which is great news.

Will let you know how they turn out!!

Those fish wont have a chance now!!!!:hmm

Thanks again
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