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'Psychological' Contractions and Delaying BO

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Deeper Blue Hypoxyphiliac
Oct 24, 2002
Righto, been a while since I've asked anything but there are a couple of questions playing on my mind. Firstly, during dives to really shallow depths (ie sub 10m), I find that as soon as I stop kicking I start getting contractions. These contractions are really soft, but I still can't stop them. Around the time that I should start getting contractions, they come harder, and feel more like they do on a dynamic. I've heard these called 'psychological' contractions before, just wondering what causes them, and if there's any way to stop them?

Secondly, is there any way to train your body to not lose conciousness or samba until there is a lot less oxygen than normal in your blood? What I mean by this - I can get contractions around the same time as Wal, but if we both hold til BO, mine is a lot sooner. Is there any special way to train myself to BO later, or will this just come from lots more diving?

Cheers for any help in advance
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