About a week ago I was on a train journey, and I did my usual thing of holding my breath between stations. At first the train was almost empty, so there wasn't anyone sitting near me. Then it stopped at a station which was very crowded, with the platform full of people, and they started getting on the train. I held my breath again and the train started moving.
Suddenly I noticed an interesting fact. Although the train was packed with people, nobody went anywhere near me. All the free space in the rest of the carriage was full of people standing, but there were four empty seats next to me, and they remained empty for some time.
Was it just chance? Did people think I was travel sick, and keep their distance? Had I done one of my infamous LMCs, and not noticed?
I was trying to make it as unnoticeable as possible.
Maybe I've found a new way to get some space for myself at rush hour! :hmm
Suddenly I noticed an interesting fact. Although the train was packed with people, nobody went anywhere near me. All the free space in the rest of the carriage was full of people standing, but there were four empty seats next to me, and they remained empty for some time.
Was it just chance? Did people think I was travel sick, and keep their distance? Had I done one of my infamous LMCs, and not noticed?
I was trying to make it as unnoticeable as possible.
Maybe I've found a new way to get some space for myself at rush hour! :hmm