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Puerto Rico

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New Member
Dec 15, 2001
I am going to Puerto Rico on Feb 28 to check out diving, speafishing, kayaking, and camping possibilities. Anyone know what the regulatory environment is like? Does one have to have a licence or permit to spearfish? Are some areas off-limits?

I think one of the first places Iwill check out is Isla Caja de Muertos. Anyone familiar with that island?
Spearfishing the Island

I was in Puerto Rico a couple of years ago, and took my spearfishing equipment along. Once there, I visited my parents in Ponce and was soon aboard my father's 28 ft. Chris Craft towards Isla Caja de Muertos for some much anticipated spearfishing. However, the weather did not cooperate, and since the ride was long (Puerto Salinas), about 20 miles or so in rough weather, we opted to fish the outer barrier islands.
It wasn't long until I landed a large barracuda and saw a "happening" of small Mahi nailing some baitfish at the surface. However, I did not get to go to Caja de Muertos. The marine chart for the eastern coast of the island has some dramatic dropoffs and my father says the visibilty is 100ft plus. As far as regulations, it is illegal to camp out in the island, since it is a National Reserve, but you can spearfish 50 yards out.
J. Gracia:p
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