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pulse oximetry experience?

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Aug 26, 2001
Anyone have any experience using a pulse oximeter during training? I've heard they're not too accurate below 70%, but I've been interested in doing some experiments with them anyways. Technology is becoming more and more advanced and these things have become tiny and pretty affordable for the avg consumer.

Thoughts/comments appreciated.

Pulse Oximeter....

.....Um, I think you might want to check through DAN or check www.scubamed.com and chat with the docs who use them. Someone will have data about accuracy.

Where have you seen these things for sale?

My grandfather just passed away from pulmanary fibrosis. While he was in the hospital he was hooked up to one and it was set to go off at 85. We actually had some good times talking and telling stories. He would going on some story when the alarm would go off and he would have to stop and "breath-up" to get the alarm to stop. As soon as it would get back above 85 he would have to start talking again- the man loved a good story. this would go on for an entire afternoon.

It would be neat to have one of my own to practice with at home and set to whatever I want it to go off at.

[ame=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=pulse+oximeters+portable]Go to this Google search[/ame]. Nonin seems to have the most professional small/portable unit.

Yeah, stories like that will be told for generations. ;)


ps. Thanks OS for the tip, looks like I'll end up having to tap that crowd. :hmm

$350- $3,500 for a meter!

That is a LOT of coin. :(

I don't see one of those in my immediate future.
Yeah, I know. I'm keeping my eye out for a used one. Thing is that I've come up with some incredible training routines that have done wonders for my diving/health, and I'm very curious to record some stats of my system during them. :)

Pulse Oximeter Limits.....

--Interesting you should mention your grandfather's arrangement with the pulse-ox, Jon
(BTW; my condolences on your loss. He sounds like a great man)
--an alarm setting at 85 sounds just right. At 83, the O2 sat is dangerously low. It's not an even-increment type thing. Think in terms of Richter Scale and you get the idea.
I'm sure efattah would explain this better: descending from a sat measurement from 85 to 83 is a major change. As the readings get any lower.....the concern about cerebral hypoxia gets significantly higher, and with good cause.
Just for the sake of interest, Anderson, I'll ask if the CO2 readings are of interest. However, I defer to the pros on the website I mentioned. Specifically, any anesthesiologists. They can tell you far more about the changes (and the significance thereof) than I.
Hope this sparks some thoughts about the overall picture....your body responds to many internal signals......somebody must be doing some ongoing research.....I'll be very interested in your findings Anderson, please keep us posted.
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