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Qatari bonanza: Khor Udaid

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Halla Waaaaallllaaa
Aug 15, 2002
there is something particularly fun about stoning fish. its almost like shooting a laser guided missile.

4 days ago i walked into Qatarsub and bught myself a Rabitech stealth 100. For thge last year Khaliud, the owner, has been telling me to try the stealth. my only regret is not geting it earlier.

1st shot wih the stealth was a stone shot. the following 4 shots were also stone shots. and throught the day the maority of my shot were stone shots. i have to admit it, I LOVE THIS GUN!!! its dead accurate (just ask the fish), very silent, and perfectly balanced in the water.

some details about the trip.

we meet up at Getaway's at 5am. and drove out to the inland sea. then we did some compulsory offroading to get to the beach. we hit the water by 7am. the current was taking us out to sea which was perfect. we swam the 2.5km swim in under 45 minutes. we get to were we want to be and BAM BAM BAM, dead fish all over the place.

on our swim to the undisclosed location we came upon a school of LARGE barracuda. given that at this time we were 1km away from shore, without a boat, i decided not to shoot. the 3rd diver with us, Christof, shot his first ever barracuda. luckly it was a stone shot. (i think its worth mentioning the he too was using a Rabitech stealth) Getaway or Bobby as i call him. pulled off on a barracuda. it wasnt a stone shot and given that it was a large specimen it meant that we were in for a little trouble. next thing you know it trashing in the water bellow us and it wraps the the shooting line around itself. barracudas, being the canibal bastards that they are, proceed to eat their fallen comrade. bastards. in doing so they clise Bobby's shooting line and the barracuda swims off, hopefully to be nibbled on by its "friends"

luckly for Bobby, we also brought my Freedivers 130. great gun and all, but mostly meant for bluewater action.

we finally got to where we needed to be and it dawned upon me that it was packed, like really really packed with fish! "what more could you ask for, " i thought to myself, and lo and behold frikin jellyfish show up so densly packed that it no longer became a game of avoiding the jellys but rather, carefully selecting which one you were going to let sting you. more on the little $hits later.

we start slaying the fish. in the first 2 hours my stringer was near capacity. i was sooo stoked with the gun that i didnt mind getting stung in the neck by a jelly. i look on at Bobby and see that he is having a little trouble because the gun is way too big for where we are.

Christof disapears for a hour and comes back with a pair of nice groupers and a really nice jack. Bobby sees the grouper and we swim over to the spot where Christof found it. we get to the spot and the jellyfish were rapping us savagely.
i dropped down and was doing my thing, stalking a fish and pulled of the shot. nice solid holding shot on a decent jack. only problem is that i had been down for 1:30 and hadnt breathed up properly so i was desperate to get some nice fresh air. so 10 meters down i just give it my all and kick like a madman for the surface not even bothering to look up. and just as i break the surfacei get stung in the forehead and cheek and spend the next ten minutes screaming from agony. but after some of the pain goes away, i stone a nice faskar, and then its back to business as usuall.

at one point Bobby spots a really nice faskar. huge. he is about to shoot it and then he spots a grouper. so he decides to leave the faskar alone for a bit and go after the grouper. unaware of this, i was crusing by, still nursing the pain in my cheek when i see this monster of a faskar dart in and out of a hole. tlang! the faskar holed up pretty nicely, and its only after the long swim back to shore that Bobby tells me of the faskar.

with stringers stuffed, we decide to head back to shore. thanks to Bobby's amazing planing, the current was with us again, so haulin all the fish became very easy, to the point where all you had to do is float and the current took care of the rest.
as usual, once on the beach every possed with the fish, and what a lovely day it was.






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Nice one from the Mack Daddy of Arabia, some good fish there mate, well done.:)
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Amazing trip we planned here mate !

Looking forward for tomorrow :) :) :)

(Btw, I weighted the grouper at the fish market and it was a 23kg, and the barracuda was 19kg!). At one point, you didn't know what to shoot at because of the abundance of the fish... so i just dropped my long 130cm gun on the sea bed and started free-diving and enjoying the clear water, coral reefs and all the fish around !

The barracuda I shoot and which went crazy and then got devoured by its mate was even bigger than this one in the photo... I estimated it to be around 1.7m and some easy 25kg.


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Holy Sheeps$%t Sherlock! Great hunt. How are the stings? Got some blue or green goop (as I call it) alovera w/ Lidocaine in it that really works. Available 2 U? If not I'll mail you some. PM me. :martial:crutch
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yeah i can get my hands on some.
the stings are fine. we went out again today to the same place. jellyshits came in again but this time i didnt get stung. il get Bobby to post the pics after christof sends them to him
Yes one brand name is Solarcain which is green, the other is Hawaiian ropic which is blue. Both work great! There is also a sunscreen I get at the local dive shop that is ALSO a repellant for sting form PMW, Sea Nettles, etc. It's in the boat in dive bag [like I've got to be ready at a moments notice ](Minuteman) sorry Brit friends...& no snide remarks. Supposed to have been tested by Harvard Med students w/ no ill effects (what happened w/ those that DIDN'T work). I'll did out manana & give name brand & price. Again if not available over internet I'd happily get some & send as Dutch treat.

Adios Amigos! EEEyah!
bravo shabab!! i must say im quite envious,, i drove out this morning, went for the long swim out and everything but NO FISH!! well its good that i have a lot in the freezer still fromk previous times.. :) im ust come to qatar one day though! :)
eid mubarak indeed
Eid Mubarak to you too Marwan :)

You are the most welcome anytime! Actually now the water is cooling down (from a 35C max during the end of July to 27-28C) so there are much more fish now... Actually after 1month, it will still get better (when temp. is around 24-26).
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