I'm heading to the Caribbean in about six weeks, and plan on bringing gear and doing some diving while there.
I am fairly experienced with Scuba (AOW +100 dives), but new to freediving, and want to do as much of that as possible on this trip. I'm ordering and taking a freedive westsuit, which should be just fine for any Scuba activity as well, but so far, I'm stumped on the fins.
Since I don't want to bring two pair, it looks as though the best bet would be to take freedive fins, and also use those for any scuba. Not ideal, but probably better than freediving in my Jetfins or Plana Avantis.
I have seen several freediving fin kits that consist of foot pockets and interchangeable blades of varying stiffness/strength. Is there not a kit somewhere with blades that also vary in length? Any other suggestions? Would appreciate any information you have. Thanks!
I'm heading to the Caribbean in about six weeks, and plan on bringing gear and doing some diving while there.
I am fairly experienced with Scuba (AOW +100 dives), but new to freediving, and want to do as much of that as possible on this trip. I'm ordering and taking a freedive westsuit, which should be just fine for any Scuba activity as well, but so far, I'm stumped on the fins.
Since I don't want to bring two pair, it looks as though the best bet would be to take freedive fins, and also use those for any scuba. Not ideal, but probably better than freediving in my Jetfins or Plana Avantis.
I have seen several freediving fin kits that consist of foot pockets and interchangeable blades of varying stiffness/strength. Is there not a kit somewhere with blades that also vary in length? Any other suggestions? Would appreciate any information you have. Thanks!