Dear deeperbluers,
I have registered on DB already some years ago, and posted every now and then. I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge through this board, and want to thank you all for this.
I have something very important I want to ask, and I hope you understand that I write this anonymously, because the information revealed here could affect my livelihood if my identity was revealed.
I recently had a spirometry test for work related reasons, and for the first time ever I had an unusual result.
First the test showed a problem with my distal airways: airflow was lover than it should be. After trying this a few times, I was asked to inhale a bronchodilator to open up the airways, and to see if this makes a difference. This improved the results slightly.
Although I was so far given only a very vague analysis of the results (a more complete report will follow), I understood that this result points to reversible bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the air passages in the lungs, that is improved by medication). As far as I know and understand, this would point to asthma, or at least a predisposition for asthma.
This was of course a huge surprise for me. I have never had any symptoms. I am very fit and do a lot of sports. I have practiced both scuba- and freediving (including deep dives) for years.
It also made me very worried: part of my livelihood comes from scuba diving, and the medical requirements in my line of work are very strict. If I was diagnosed with asthma, I could be in trouble.
Finally, we come to my questions:
-I know that freedivers can use their lungs differently from most non-freedivers. Also, there is probably some level of adaptation involved. Could these somehow lead to the results that I described?
-Could some lung stretches lead to temporary bronchoconstriction? Shortly before the spirometry test, I did both mild "Udyiana Bandha" -style stretching ("sucking the stomach in" with empty/slightly reverse packed luns). I also did mild pack stretching. Could these have a temporary effect on the bronchi, and on the results of the spirometry test?
The medical personell involved with the testing know nothing about freediving, which makes it hard to discuss these things with them.
I know no-one can make a diagnosis on this message board, but at least I could gain more knowledge which would make it easier to discuss these possibilities with the medical staff.
If you have any ideas or thoughts on this, I would be very thankfull if you could post them here, or as a private message if you prefer.
Edit: I would also like to add that I had a very slight cold for a few days, ending a couple of days ago.
I have registered on DB already some years ago, and posted every now and then. I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge through this board, and want to thank you all for this.
I have something very important I want to ask, and I hope you understand that I write this anonymously, because the information revealed here could affect my livelihood if my identity was revealed.
I recently had a spirometry test for work related reasons, and for the first time ever I had an unusual result.
First the test showed a problem with my distal airways: airflow was lover than it should be. After trying this a few times, I was asked to inhale a bronchodilator to open up the airways, and to see if this makes a difference. This improved the results slightly.
Although I was so far given only a very vague analysis of the results (a more complete report will follow), I understood that this result points to reversible bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the air passages in the lungs, that is improved by medication). As far as I know and understand, this would point to asthma, or at least a predisposition for asthma.
This was of course a huge surprise for me. I have never had any symptoms. I am very fit and do a lot of sports. I have practiced both scuba- and freediving (including deep dives) for years.
It also made me very worried: part of my livelihood comes from scuba diving, and the medical requirements in my line of work are very strict. If I was diagnosed with asthma, I could be in trouble.
Finally, we come to my questions:
-I know that freedivers can use their lungs differently from most non-freedivers. Also, there is probably some level of adaptation involved. Could these somehow lead to the results that I described?
-Could some lung stretches lead to temporary bronchoconstriction? Shortly before the spirometry test, I did both mild "Udyiana Bandha" -style stretching ("sucking the stomach in" with empty/slightly reverse packed luns). I also did mild pack stretching. Could these have a temporary effect on the bronchi, and on the results of the spirometry test?
The medical personell involved with the testing know nothing about freediving, which makes it hard to discuss these things with them.
I know no-one can make a diagnosis on this message board, but at least I could gain more knowledge which would make it easier to discuss these possibilities with the medical staff.
If you have any ideas or thoughts on this, I would be very thankfull if you could post them here, or as a private message if you prefer.
Edit: I would also like to add that I had a very slight cold for a few days, ending a couple of days ago.