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New Member
Apr 30, 2008
Hi All,
I have been fascinated by freediving for quite some time and only now have I decided to read up on the sport. I have limited time because of my triathlon training and a new family so I will not be progressing very quickly!
Also, I am half way through reading Umberto Pelizzari's "Manual of Freediving" and became quite upset when I read that a 'real' freediver has predominantly fast-twitch muscle fibre and I, coming from and endurance athletics background, am most definitely a slowtwitcher - this might explain why I can do 4:05 static (dry) and barely 50m dynamic!

Anyway - I'm saying too much... I just meant to say Hi!
hi welcome 2 db lol im all slow twitch 2 but my time aint even a min this year idk wat happend but im still runnin and all so il just work at it i guess.... kinda shocked me my best this spring wat 1:10 full breath but on no breath i did :33 .... oh well talk later
Cheers and welcome Trev... good luck on all your training- tri and otherwise. And don't believe everything you read! It's difficult to be less goal-oriented (especially competitive athletes) but try to enjoy the sport and feel it as opposed to thinking in numbers. IE: do some training for time/depth/distance, but also get in the water without the computers and just.... be! Lol!
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