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Quick hunt in S. Florida

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New Member
Sep 10, 2002
I went out on Saturday out of Boca Raton. The wind was still pretty brisk and the visibility was marginal but I managed a nice cobia and an AJ. They were both taken freediving at a wreck at 70 fsw. The cobia was laying on the sand with two of his brethren. We had to come to port early as one of the guys on the boat got pretty seasick. All in all not bad for one hour of diving. The AJ got stoned. He saved the shaft so that the cobia can trash it :head



  • cobiadb.jpg
    91.3 KB · Views: 510
are there any spearfishing regulations in florifa? is a license required?

ive not been spearfishing for a while due to a lot of scholwork but summer is coming so i would like to know..

Reactions: bobbybuttr
You need a saltwater fishing licence (you can get in from any Kmart, Walmart, Sports Authority, etc). There are a lot of restricted species for spearing (snook, permit, african pompano to name a few) and most fish have size and bag limits. Cobia (for examlpe) is 33 inches to the fork. You can ask for a copy of the regulations where you get your licence. Here's another cobia I got this last weekend.



  • cobia313.jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 387
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