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Quick Saucy Fish Curry

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At the beach!
May 24, 2005
-1 kg skinned fish fillets (I use Wrasse, pollock or Mullet here in the UK) or mix seafood of your choice(prawns, calamari etc.)
-juice of 1 lemon
-1 cup of oil
-2 med onions chopped
-1 green pepper finely chopped
-3 cloves garlic crushed
-4 large ripe tomatoes pulped
-1 Tbs sugar
-1/2 tsp salt
-1 rounded Tbs Durban masala*/curry powder of your choice.
-1 tsp cumin seeds roughly bashed
-1/2 tsp shredded ginger
-1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
-1/2 tsp ground fenugreek
-1 tsp turmeric (boil with rice)

  • Cut the fish into bite size pieces. Marinate with a mixture made from the lemon juice and half the Durban masala (or half your curry powder and garam masala) and refrigerate for a little while to allow spices to penetrate.
  • Heat the oil in a large pan or wok and fry fish in small batches for about 1 minute each side. Drain and set aside.
  • Pour off most of the oil leaving about 2 tbsp in the pan. Reheat, then fry cumin, mustard seeds, shredded ginger for a short time and add chopped onion, green pepper and garlic and fry until soft.
  • Add other half of masala/curry powder mix.
  • Add tomatoes, sugar and salt and continue cooking until sauce begins to thicken.
  • Return the fish to the pan coat with the hot sauce and simmer uncovered for about 5 mins.
  • gently stir in the fenugreek at the last minute before serving onto the yellow rice.
*Durban Masala/'Mother-in-laws tongue' mix - makes more than you need for the samoosa's
2 tbsp/1 spice bottle ground coriander,
1 tbsp/half bottle ground cumin
rounded tsp of ground cinnamon,
1/2 tbsp ground fennel seed,
1 tbsp ground dried chillies,
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ground cardomoms
2 ground bay leaves (optional)
2 tsp cayenne pepper (extra fire)
Wizz it all in a small mixer or grind well together.
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