Got to go home to see my mum for a few days over the past weekend. Brought my wife and a couple of friends over as they have never been there before (save my wife) and ended up having an awesome trip.
I dove a lot growing up on Kauai but only as a young kid with a three prong and a pair of churchhill fins. I always used to think it was sooo deep off shore and was surprised that my old dive spots are actually relatively shallow.
Our best dive ended up being off of the South East side of the island which is the winward and usually very rough. Lucky for us the winds were light and variable and the water was very nice. We ended up finning out about a mile off shore before we got into anything deeper than 60ft but it was holding some nice fish all the same. I had just finished a new 110 wood euro with an enclosed track for the trip and was excited to try it out. Tested it out on some Mu (big eye emperor) which are probably one of the harder fish to shoot in Hawaii and found this gun to be an absolute sniper riffle. Then a pesky black tip had to ruin the fun and my gun.
He started checking us out about 2 hours into the dive and progressively got more aggressive. We decided to head in and he followed us for a good while when he decided to close what little distance he was giving us. I had brushed him off as they will usually loose interest after a while when I saw my buddy swimming all out with his gun pointed at me. I turned around to see the shark taking a snap at my fin blades.
Needless to say I started keeping a better eye on him when he rushed in again, mouth agape right for my feet. I was able to pull my feet in and give him a good jab in the gills but in doing so I completely blew up the front of my muzzle. When the shark jerked away it forced my shaft up through the enclosed track, the mono pulled the line keeper pin on my muzzle and the combination split the muzzle about 8 inches down the stock and broke off a large piece of the laminate :head Well better the gun than me i guess:blackeye
I dove a lot growing up on Kauai but only as a young kid with a three prong and a pair of churchhill fins. I always used to think it was sooo deep off shore and was surprised that my old dive spots are actually relatively shallow.
Our best dive ended up being off of the South East side of the island which is the winward and usually very rough. Lucky for us the winds were light and variable and the water was very nice. We ended up finning out about a mile off shore before we got into anything deeper than 60ft but it was holding some nice fish all the same. I had just finished a new 110 wood euro with an enclosed track for the trip and was excited to try it out. Tested it out on some Mu (big eye emperor) which are probably one of the harder fish to shoot in Hawaii and found this gun to be an absolute sniper riffle. Then a pesky black tip had to ruin the fun and my gun.
He started checking us out about 2 hours into the dive and progressively got more aggressive. We decided to head in and he followed us for a good while when he decided to close what little distance he was giving us. I had brushed him off as they will usually loose interest after a while when I saw my buddy swimming all out with his gun pointed at me. I turned around to see the shark taking a snap at my fin blades.
Needless to say I started keeping a better eye on him when he rushed in again, mouth agape right for my feet. I was able to pull my feet in and give him a good jab in the gills but in doing so I completely blew up the front of my muzzle. When the shark jerked away it forced my shaft up through the enclosed track, the mono pulled the line keeper pin on my muzzle and the combination split the muzzle about 8 inches down the stock and broke off a large piece of the laminate :head Well better the gun than me i guess:blackeye