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RA guns

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New fins Sven new fins.... *grins* I have 4 sets of fins... but I need to get a better pair... the others are mostly scuba and snorkel.... SO I figure but getting hold of some of the freedive fins I increase my bottom time and depth. as for guns I have had a spear gun since I was 6... (Couldn't pull the rubbers back). So I am not exactly new to the game... just that I havent kept up with all the new equipment, and I only really started to notice the RA guns and euro guns about a year ago... so thats basically why I am having such a hard time deciding what to get a hold of... Other then that I have a wooden gun with double 16 mm rubbers... It looks very similar to a JBL magnum only it's smaller... about 90cmfrom the trigger mech to the rubbers. this little gun has taken some nice trevally and other smaller fish... however it really wasn't up to the larger trevally and didn't penetrate well at all... hence this started me out looking for a better spear gun... once I started looking on the net I realised I was living in the past... hence the desperate scramble for knowledge and often Naive questions *grins* but we all learn one way or another! I figure better to get a weapon that is going to do a good job on the bigger fish.. keep the little wooden gun for reef fish... and go from there.

Well all the best all

Have no fear, IYA is here . Sven is a very straight forward person, don't mind him.....you can even call him uncle Sven. He is 220% ur age anyway & I am only 150% ur age see.

Anyway, whatever the speargun you choose, it will be part of your experience. As long as you don't choose the wrong one, I mean in overall quality & reliability. I hate spearguns that break this and that parts. RA should do well, at least most owners here in the forum find them great value for money..... as long as you maintain 16mmx2 rubbers u should be having fun. Using a 7mm hawaiian shaft and with those rubbers, I am sure it can penetrate most fishes you find as long as you get close enough.
My plywood penetrating test showed a great deal how efficient this thin 7mm shaft is for certain range. In fact I want to conduct more test with more bands, I want to see how much rubbers this 7mm can take before it goes banana, on my #2 Riffe. I also might want to add another flopper opposite side ( so two floppers ) just to see if overall accuracy can be increased for longer range.

OK Have fun in PNG.

Thanks IYA, Yes I have realised Sven likes to be rather blunt... but on the bright side it does mean you don't have to think to hard to understtand what he means... and yes he is right... I am not a pro free diver who dives to infinity and beyond *grins* (still working on it though!!!).
And up until now spear fishing was more of a hobby then a passion... so with a little more freedom then I used to get I am now able to start pursuing spearfishing to far greater limits due to no job restriction other then Uni... and no school to hold me down... This is like what Uncle Sven will experiance for a second time when he retires next month (no but I bet you wish you could retire next month!!!)
Allright allright... well yes I think you could be right and sticking with the RA (stealth) that I have written about earlier is probly the best plan. Sven is also right in pointing out that at this stage spearguns such as the RA, Yakooji, and wong are proble a more reasonable compromise then going out and buying a more expensive weapon that would not allow such a learning curve to take place.
Thanks for the advice sorry if I cam across a bit full on... *grins* when young and highly "Jazzed" one does tend to be a little defensive! *grins* well later all!
Dog, that bit of blue text you put in is just playing havoc with my eyes.:ycard
and i dont think that stealth and RA are one and the same. make sure, especially if you order it. If you want a Rob Allen railgun, its called a Rob Allen Railgun. The stealth is something els. so if you want that then ask for a stealth. if you ask for a railgun. who knows what you will get.
from what i understand, there are 2 versions of the stealth railgun. one is the stealth ultra; has an aluminum barrel with a fitted rail in lengths: 90,100,110,120,130cm. the other is the stealth carbon; has a carbon barrel also w/ a fitted rail in lengths: 110,130cm. my sources list a price range of the stealth ultra at $170-182US and the stealth carbon, $203-206US.

weather or not it is manufactured by rob allen is a different story. i could ask if anyone's interested.

actually, it looks like both types(carbon&alluminum) come in sizes 80-130cm in 10cm increments.

here's a pic i found of the stealth carbon:

Originally posted by andrsn
weather or not it is manufactured by rob allen is a different story. i could ask if anyone's interested.

Whether. :naughty

PS... Hey are you going to give me a mailing address so I can send you your winning T-shirt, or what? :ycard

i'm getting a PO Box soon, cause a lot of mail has been getting stolen here. i'll get it to you soon.

weren't you that spelling bee champion back in the 50's? whatever happened w/ that scholarship they awarded you to Hooked on Phonics University? full ride, right?
Reactions: rigdvr
Stealth guns


Stealth come in carbon and aluminium up to 1.4m, my dad owns a stealth aluminium 1.4 and my mate owns a stealth carbon 1.2. The pic shown is different to my mates stealth railgun and my dads. They don't have a Century trigger it is totally different.

There are acually two makers of steath railguns out there. one of them was made by a durban crew called freedivers. the other type is made by a cape town company. i forgot the name, but i dont think that freedivers did any export. but according to freedivers, if it is their gun then it will have a freedivers sticker.

the basic difference between the stealth and the rob allen is that the stealth rail is stuck on, and the RA has it extruded with the rest of the barrel.

Also, its weird that the gun in the pic has a picasso handle, that still has the century name on it. maybe the pic is of an early gun, or someone did a mod.

i've been chatting with anderson and in the process we were discussing this thread. anyway, we found out that the manufacturer of the stealth is a company called rabitech. probably the guys out of durban. never heard of them myself.


Your right my dads gun has a rabitech sticker on the side and a stealth sticker.


thats the name i couldnt remember. they are cape town based and now make the stealths exclusively.
hi guys

I rang the dive shop up and they said that my Ra 150 will be here in 3 weeks from today I can't wait, from the day I ordered it to when it gets here will be 4 months.

Ivan.... I sent the importer an e-mail... the guns get in country the first week of April... so your shop should be about right... took me ages to find out what the delay was... I will go down and order mine in the next week
Decided on the RA Sniper Railgun. 1.4 M Double rubber... for when one just ain't enough
Dog, could you please let me know what a sniper railgun is. is it a distinction between the carbon and aluminium?

Alright... the following firstly is a gentlemen distributing railguns in auz... he used to be the importer for RA but now does his own thing.. here is mail I recieved from him

I am now producing railguns in carbon fibre and aluminium. These are
locally made and assembled with local content but for the trigger mechanism.
The brand name is 'Edge' and they will soon be distributed widely through
retail outlets at compettative prices.

1,4m CF railguns with stainless steeel spears and Beauchat Mundial mechanism
are currently available from myself @ $550 + frieght, an additional $25 to

Aluminium railguns with Picasso Century mechanisms will be available in
lengths from 1,3m down in 4 weeks @ $320 with plated spear or $350 with
stainless steel spear. Frieght to Cairns an additional $25.


Tony Heugh.
His e-mail is supefrog@powerup.com.au

If you live in Australia and are interested contact him.

Now onto the RA Sniper Railguns
Sniper is the mid range Rail gun, it has a rubberised grip, double rubber muzzle and double notch spear and is by far the most comfortable gun to use of the RA range.

thats what i have been told... I havent used or seen one yet.. but they are slightly more expensive then the other RA railguns.
they are much more unimaginative here. they call it 1.x barrel with double rubber muzzle and rubberized grip

enjoy it.

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