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Rant/Big Stick Education

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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All good points mate - I know they aren't really spearfishing specific shops but I was more trying to show the availability of gear in the UK - just showing that there can't be too low a demand with that many outlets.

As for numbers of people, in my opinion: proper, DeeperBlue-style spearo's - I doubt there are many at all in the UK, a couple of hundred maybe. Twice-a-year / give-it-a-go / impulse-buy spearos - I'd guess thousands.

When Spearo Dave actually ran a business, it was always the cheapo £45 spearguns that were always out of stock ;)

I've met a ton of people on the beach who know someone who spearfishes / brought a speargun etc but have only ever once seen someone fishing a good reef with a float etc - I guessed it was someone from the forum just by the fact they had a float (it was denian).

I'm always starting up new little projects and gave serious thought to setting up an online Spearfishing shop a while back, importing some cool, hard to get gear but in the end decided that there just isn't the market for it in the UK.
i work in a dive shop that sells spearo gear , my boss is an old school spearo and from his say so and also seeing with my own eyes spearfishing is on the rise. maybie half will give it up as it takes practice . as much as i love spearing i do get worryed about how much it is growing and how many idiots can get there hands on a gun, if we will end up having to get a licence later down the line?? i am only in my 2nd season of owning a gun but in my first propper season at the mo. i have the advantage of being surrounded by spearo's and being in the trade to make me a responsible spearo, also DB ! i find unless you really make an effort to look there is not alot of info about spearfishing and the rules. to new commers it looks cool and you can shoot a gun. i know it is a wrong attitude but thats the truth about it with kids starting without knowing any spearo's. i think some more focus needs to be made on rules and safe spearing.the question is how?? cressi have started putting that sort of stuff on a disc that comes with every gun.
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hope you all get the jist. i have learning difficultys and find it hard to right exacly wot i want to say due to spelling. i think as the sport is growing the awareness of safty and responable fishing should grow alongside, issued with all items of kit, only if 1-2 in 10 read it it still will have a possitive affect, i dotry and point any new spearo to DB as being on here has given me alot of knolage and has put me in touch with some great guys.

Well said!
its a little disc at the bottom of the bag that the gun comes in. im not 100% if its with every gun or just the entry level gun. i think it should be issued with all kit the same as we do with all drysuits that we sell no matter the expearence of the diver.
I'm always starting up new little projects and gave serious thought to setting up an online Spearfishing shop a while back, importing some cool, hard to get gear but in the end decided that there just isn't the market for it in the UK.
Me too, I suspect many have. In previous jobs I was from time-to-time exposed to some"wild assed" business plans, with frighteningly "optimistic" (unrealistic) assumptions. (I've also seen a few which drastically under-estimated the reach & potential of the WWW and/or the US market). Hopefully the above discussion will at least give folk some pause for thought and "a reality check", so that they don't unnecessarily over-commit themselves.

Nothing wrong with non-mainstream activities though. Spearo Nobby is probably right, I expect spearing is becoming a bit more popular in the UK. DeeperBlue.com is probably significant driving force (what a fabulous resource), along with closer links to the Continent.
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Well, if you or anyone else ever want to run crazy ideas past me, I run a branding & web consultancy so sicking up a nice online-platform can be done in days if the job is right. I invest in new things all the time so hit me up!
... i find unless you really make an effort to look there is not a lot of info about spearfishing and the rules...
In a nutshell:

This forum's "Dummies Guide to Spearfishing" guide & discussion threads (by Miles) is an excellent place to start.

There are too many restrictive rules/laws, but mostly just the same ones that apply to all fishermen/anglers re. not taking undersize fish**/crabs/shell fish. Plus acting safely & sensibly (e.g. only load a speargun in the water, always unload it before leaving the water and when approaching other people near the shore) and, for archaic reasons:

- don't sell speared fish in the UK,
- don't spear game fish (trout/salmon).
- don't spear in freshwater in the UK (no lakes, streams, rivers, canals, ponds) - just the sea. (In some ways, this makes things simpler.)

The brackish waters around estuaries may be debatable but they are essentially saltwater. However many are "bass nurseries" where Bass* fishing is barred for some (e.g. Poole Harbour) or all of the year (e.g. the Fleet).

Document on UK Bass Nurseries: http://www.cefas.co.uk/publications/techrep/Bass.pdf

*But grey mullet & flat-fish frequent estuaries too, and sometimes shell fish. And, happily, spearfishermen can be selective in which species they take.

** Although the UK minimum landing size for bass is only 36cm (& 37cm in Cornwall last time I checked), we recommend you do not spear fish less than 42cm in length. I.e. leave small fish in peace.
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I dont wish to be too pedantic Mr X but I have always thought it better to present the true fact to people and allow them to be their own judge...therefore the grey area debate is removed.

The Fleet is a voluntary bass nursery so by its designation, appealing to your conservation nature on Bass.
As stated, not good conduct on Bass, but it does not stop you taking any other species though......
The Fleet is a designated bass nursery area (SI 1990 1156) and fishing from boats is prohibited at all times.
This prohibition does not apply to access from the shore and there have been fisherman using a tidal net for bass in this area, which is not abiding by the spirit of the designation.

Reactions: spearo nobby
I was not aware of that SurfNSpear - thanks for the clarification. Kimmeridge is a voluntary marine reserve, which does cause confusion, which some of the locals try to take advantage of. I think the idea is to keep commercial fishermen out. Anglers seem to be welcome.
Yep, but the owners of Kimmeridge have put a sign up at the entrance stating that spearfishing (or perhaps spear guns) are banned.

Mr X, I'm impressed that you have waited over two years to respond to Surf 'n' spears's post - you must have been giving it a lot of thought, lol.