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RE: Shark Shield

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New Member
Apr 15, 2005
Hi All :)

I recently got a shark shield as a birthday present from my family. Have never used one before and I know very few people (only seen one or two) who wear/use the device.

Wanted to know what other spear fishermen/users of the device local to South Africa or abroad had to say about it as I am considering swapping it for a wet suit rather.

Any advice/opinions greatly appreciate.
Last I heard wet suits were pretty naff at detering sharks :crutch

Sorry could'nt resist, hopefully someone will be along soon with a real answer.

Ive got one and normally use it when were diving areas like struis baai, cape point and falsebay. I got mine after I had a very close encounter with a GW in Struis and since Ive been using it I havent seen a single shark so I cant say that it definately works, but I think in general circumstances it should as long as the sharks arent in a frenzy cause then they are a bit bos anyway so not much can deter them then. However I did dive with it every day for the whole of December and that extra bit of comfort and assurance you have makes a world of difference for yourself and the family. You just feel saver with it on than not so Id say rather save up for that suit or wait till Xmas rofl . It really is worth it to have one I think and from what Ive heard they do work, I think it was Bill who wrote a story here on DB where his deterred a very adamant mako so... the decision is up to you Id say :)
Thank you deep thinker!

I am sold - if I think about it now the decision should have been a no brainer for me.

It's going 2 b slightly more difficult getting some good raggie footage underwater :) but I guess I can always turn it off when needed.
One piece of advice mate TURN IT OFF BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE WATER!!!, if you forget to, you will be zapped and will never forget again.... it also helps to deter very nosy dive buddies :) like deep thinker since i got it i had no encounters with sharks... so cant really tell, but like any product there are those who say its effective and there was a post here with a video showing that it was useless.... but then again you never know the state the sharks were in....it does provide a sense of security, but please dont be tooo comfratable and do something smart like diving in murky waters in false bay!
happy hunting mate
Cheers Chris :)

the person selling the unit actually confirmed that it would only work for Predator sharks apparently raggies are a scavenger shark species (? So they don't have the developed electro snouts ?) and there are not that many true predator shark species.

Will be getting some good footage I hope of raggies :) next time.
Hi All :)

I recently got a shark shield as a birthday present from my family. Have never used one before and I know very few people (only seen one or two) who wear/use the device.

Wanted to know what other spear fishermen/users of the device local to South Africa or abroad had to say about it as I am considering swapping it for a wet suit rather.

Any advice/opinions greatly appreciate.

Ive never used one, but have speared with others and seen them work. Saw 2 Bulls rush a diver who was reeling in an African Pompano and as soon as they got within 25 ft. they bolted away never to be seen again. South Australian surfers use them too. The end attaches to your leash, but touching the end will shock you bad. 2 hour battery. Get a extra
Mines got a 4 hour battery and Ill probably get a backup 2 hour one in the future. Ive been jabbed by mine twice, once under the chin, puts new meaning to the word clattering teeth rofl and the other time on my upper leg I got such a fright cause it actually felt like something bumped me and when I looked around me I saw the tail trailing away in the water rofl
Like Ive said in a previous post, stay close or otherwise opt for the atlantic rofl
For your viewing pleasure:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSWb0w5DxnU]YouTube - Shark Shield[/ame]

Doesn't work on mako's either........
Very interesting.

One's time is one's time then. I won’t be dropping the banger and will keep the seat belt on when driving to the dive spots :)

I would be very interested in knowing if anyone wearing a shark shield has been bitten before.

In the video the shark looked tattered and could have been prodded beforehand? Many variables for consideration which weigh both the pros and the cons of wearing/purchasing a shark pod.

I think I will stick with the old boy scout one :)

Sky’s blue, Sea’s green, Waters Wet. Be Prepared … (&Carry a banger) ! :)
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