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Re: South Devon Report 2008

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Matt J
Sep 16, 2005
After weeks stuck inland prayers were answered and I managed to escape to the coast for a few hours today. Arrived in Torbay for sunrise and high tide and spent an hour and a half seeing nothing other than wrasse, small pollack and a cuttlefish :(

Spent another half hour looking for scallops and only found one undersize one :(

Decided to head for the cliffs and try and get a few photos of anemones etc and maybe a crab or two for the pot. Found some pink finger anemones and some small crabs and then I looked in a hole and found this monster looking back at me. After a fairly protracted struggle he was in the bag - 5lb 14.5 oz :)


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