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really a stupid question

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Mud Puddle Diver
May 20, 2002
Hey this going to be a stupid but I'm using a Picasso 5mm Apnos Mimetic wetsuit, a real kick ass suit. I live in the deep south and the water is getting way to warm to wear 5mm so I'm going buy a 3mm picasso suit. I was looking at getting Apnos Mimetic in 3mm but I looked at getting the suit (the gentlemen in this pic is wearing) black with dark grey stripped camo. Should I kinda mix it up or get them same suit?


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Reactions: Pezman
You were'nt kidding......

(Please read the following section with a heavy lisp and a limp wrist)

I think you might want to mix up the wetsuit wardrobe a little, I'm sure the fish will appreciate the variety, and remember to make sure you accesorize properly, a weight belt that does'nt match can really mess up your whole look in a hurry, And most importantly, make sure not to wear white booties after labor day.
:vangry boy I hope your kinding Chief because that kinda response will get speargun butt to the face really fast from me S**thead!

I think that the only real issue is how hard you beat on your suits. I have a 5mm commercial termic and a 3mm equinoxe (open-cell). I prefer the termic lining because I don't have to worry about tearing up the neoprene, and it speeds up the donning/doffing. I have to be pretty careful with the 3mm soft yamamoto because it's very fragile. Jon has a 3mm biotermic and I don't think he has suffered any tears yet. If you put on your suit by jumping in the water, then you probably don't have much to worry about, but if you use the coditioner/water mixture, you might want to consider getting a suit with the gold/tianium/termic stuff on the inside. The forum goes back and forth on the like/dislike issue of the termic linings, so you'd be wise to try and give it a feel before you go laying down the cash. As for the mimetic camo....I have one suit with it and one with out it.....and my catch doesn't seem to have anything to do with it .

Either way, if you're primarily using the suit for hunting, you'd be wise to keep the outside lined with nylon. If you get a smoothskin, it will probably be 'well-ventilated' by the end of your first dive :hmm.

Finally, I personally like to buy different kinds of gear. Better or worse....at least I'm not left wondering if the grass would have been greener on the other side .

A little confused

j.grady., I'm a little confused by your answer to BladeRunner's question.

I interpreted his question as relating to:

a) whether wearing a different camo pattern on the pants than the jacket affects your ability to approach fish, or their willingness to approach you?

b) whether wearing a 3 mm bottom and 5 mm top, or vice versa, works vis-a-vis insulation and fit.

I don't see how your answer helped him.

Blade, I'm a little puzzled as to why you would want to pick a fight with someone who might be carrying a spear gun and who demonstrates a tendency toward immaturity in his peer interactions. Also, you might try posting the question on the spearo boards; those guys will understand your question, and for the most part, are a pretty mature bunch.

Let's try to elevate the level of this discussion a bit, shall we? - the rest of world is watching, and they're not impressed.
We all have bad days Blade. Don't let it get to ya. SERENITY NOW!!!

Good point cjb.

You should head on over to the hunting forum Blade. Your question would have a better shot at getting good responses. A lot of those guys don't spend much time on the freediving threads, and may never bump into this.


edit: One idea I forgot to mention....

You might want to think about simply picking up a 3mm vest to go with your 5mm pants. I do this every so often when I'm spending some time in the warm shallows. I like not having the neoprene in my armpits. I will say though, that you're probably better off getting a hooded vest. Not so much for the warmth, but for the better seal. A regular vest can have parachute qualities (especially if you wear it on top of the trousers) when you hit the gas.
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Reactions: OceanSwimmer
I just picked up one of these 3mm shorty's from the DB store. IT is opencell on the inside and needs to be slicked up with hair conditioner to slip on.

I wore it by itslef this past weekend until I got cold, water was 70-75 degrees above the thermocline. Once I started to chill a little bit I put my 3mm top on with it. I was very comfortable, although I did have to pull the hood down so as not to overheat.

I don't know about the camo idea, but I do like the idea of using thinner pants, 3mm, with a thicker top, 5 or 6mm, for the inbetween water. You core stays warm and it's easier to kick with less rubber on your legs.
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Blade- From my experience, the color of the camo isn't as big a factor as the break-up of the blocking is. I have that suit in a green/black and have looked at a black/grey and it looked the same colorwise at 40 feet. But either way, the camo pattern is sweet.

A 3 mil version of that suit still gets pretty pricey so take a look at Picasso's one piece, it's a 3 mil and without the added insulation of the three mil farmer john's chest, it might be the way to go.

By the way, I got the joke that j.grady was pulling, so no worries there. And remember that damn near everything written here needs to be read, re-read and then absorbed with a few grains of patience. Especially my stuff.
ok does anyone know where I can get that wetsuit by the way. I'm not having any luck with Picasso America they won't answer me back with my questions! I'm trying to find it in 3mm thickness and a size 52. I'm going to include a better pic. It's the sixth wetsuit from the left hanging from the rack!


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contact at Picasso America...

Hi BladeRunner,

I happened to receive an e-mail from Roger Yazbeck of Picasso America yesterday in response to a question. He was very prompt w/the reply..here's his e-address:


---Nice suit you selected! Please tell us how it works out. Where was the pic taken, if I may ask? Great selection and display of Picasso suits and fins.


"I wanted to see what real courage is….It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." Harper Lee (1926 - )
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Call / email Roger - very nice fellow - will help you find what you want / need.
Oh No!

Originally posted by icarus pacific
I have that suit in a green/black and have looked at a black/grey and it looked the same colorwise at 40 feet. But either way, the camo pattern is sweet.

Guess I can't dive with you sven . . . we'd look alike. . . even above 40 ft. . . . (sheesh, what a thought!).
That pic was from the webpage that Roger Yazbeck setup for his new freedive and spearfishing shop in Hermosa Beach, CA.


Oh thank You for rogers E-mail, I tried to contacting him by sending Picasso America with an e-mail.

I think humans at that depth can't see the color but I believe fish can!

BladeRunner OUT
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yeah. you should be so lucky.

Originally posted by cjborgert
Guess I can't dive with you sven . . . we'd look alike. . . even above 40 ft. . . . (sheesh, what a thought!).

Don't sweat it, Chris... I 'll wait at 70 until you get there. I have time. :t

And it's been shown that fish don't see color, they see the differences in the amount of white/black, like a dog.
Hey your not kinding about Roger with fast response. I sent him an e-mail and received a response 5 minutes later.

He told me that stopped making that suit tree years ago and the one I saw in the pic was a 5mm size 50 that he can't get rid of.

I guess I'll just get another Apnos Mimetic but in 3mm! I love my 5mm A. M. but I'm cooking alive now with the water as warm as it is now here Georgia. I need a 3mm fast!

Hey guys I appreciate your help

BladRunner OUT
Originally posted by BladeRunner
Hey your not kinding about Roger with fast response. I sent him an e-mail and received a response 5 minutes later.
Hey guys I appreciate your help! BladeRunner OUT

Blade---Glad you got the quick reply from Roger: he checks his e-mail on weekends(!) I was pleasantly surprised to get a response on Sunday. Thank you for the lead on Roger's shop. Local sources are good!


"There was a definite process by which one made people into friends, and it involved talking to them and listening to them for hours at a time."
Rebecca West (1892 - 1983)
Wetsuit Cotoure

Sorry for the slow reply, seems that Microsoft virus/worm slowed me up for a few days.

It was a joke, forgot to put the smiley face, I'm sorry. Thanks for neg-karma though....one of the few times I've laughed out loud for a while.

- John
Wetsuit Cotoure
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