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Redesign of OMER locking mechanism

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Jan 2, 2004
Enhancements in freediving fin design and flaws.

I got a new pair of long OMER Ice freediving fins and they are great.

To my surprise they have enhanced the design of the siderail lockingclip to make it less likely to fall of from the blade.


Another view of the hardware that mounts the blade to the fin rubber footpockets.


The screws that are screwed into the halfmoon shaped mounting bracket are standard stainless screws and very pionty and sharp. I grinded away the tip since there is a risk if mounting them without the rubber pads seen in the photo they will punch through to the upper side. This happened for me when mounting a pair of C4 Flap 80 carbonfiberblades to omer footpockets and discolours the upperside ot the black plastic piece.

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Thanks Bri!

I did not relize first that the links did not work so i fixed it now with working links I hope.
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