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Replacement shaft for Cyrano 970

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New Member
Nov 3, 2011
Hey guys

Accidentally shot my Mares Cyrano 970 into a rock at fairly close range, tip is blunted to hell and spear has a small bend in it

I have been having some trouble finding replacement shafts. This gun was supposed to come with another shaft (threaded) but it didn't for some reason... maybe I'll chase it down with the shop that sold it. It came with the screw on tip (packaged) but no shaft. Weird...

Anyway, what do you think I should do? Might use the opportunity to upgrade to a higher quality shaft, if anyone here could recommend one. In the mean time, what do you think of bending the shaft back into shape and filing down the tip? I know its not good on the gun to fire it when its bent, but I figured if I can straighten it enough that it has no resistance going in, should also be fine going out

Well cheers for the help
Don't know where you are - but they sell good spring steel ones at ScubasWorld MUCH better than what it comes with.
I am in Australia. What brand would I be looking for for a replacement? I looked on the site, didn't find any 7mm pneumatic shafts which is what the gun I have takes.
Hello Hayaku

I ordered another Shaft for my Mares Jet from this Site.
Sandvik SS Shaft Picasso 7mm for air gun

This is a 7mm Shaft for a 70 Pneumatic. Threaded on one End to put on the Mares Shaft Adaptor. I would also recommend a devoto Sliderring. All can be ordered from this site.
If you need your shaft longer or shorter, just write a mail. they can do any size you want.

on the Startpage they say, that they cant ship picasso things to australia, but you are from NZ, so there shouldnt be a Problem.

greez ubik
Well, so far no luck whatsoever.

Very few Australian retailers are stocking spare shafts for the Cyrano, and the international sites that do won't ship them here I am beginning to regret buying Mares, they are such a restrictive company.

All the ones I have found have been around $80, way too much in my opinion. I would rather have buy 4 x $20 shafts that I don't have to worry about bending and blunting...

this is so annoying...

"Adreno" in Brisbane has no shafts? I just checked that link I gave you and it seems to have them in stock.
Adreno has the SalviMar Torsion 2 on special. Try it. You'll love it.

Yep, in the end this was what I ordered, in addition to the cheaper $50 salvimar shaft for backup.

Looking forward to using it, looks top quality!
I did the same, the cheaper one's pretty good too (or heaps better than the standard mares painted pig-iron shaft) but the Torsion2 is amazing- I cannot imagine a faster or more accurate shaft, fish don't come off until you want to- then just pull the plopper flush and it just slides out. The only thing I don't understand is why not all spears have this tip.
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