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Reposting Cressi Gara 3000 footpocket question

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007

I recently bought a pair of gara 3000s off line and the size was too big (plus they were a bit narrow) I then went to a dive shop and they only had gara 2000s. I tried a pair that was one size smaller and they fit perfectly. I know there are a LOT of threads on these fins, and I'm sorry to add another one but I've searched and cannot find an answer to this question. I need to know if the footpocket on the gara 2000s is the same as on the 3000s. I have to exchange the 3000s and I'd like to just get the size smaller. If any of you have tried on these two fins and know from experience if there is any difference between the footpockets, I'd appreciate any feedback you could give me.
i believe they are both having the same footpocket..but there is a difference in the blade between the 3000 and the 2000, especially if your 3000 is the LD version..the 2000 is much stiffer then the LD
Same footpocket. As for stiffness:
Gara 2000: the stiffest of the three
Gara 3000: between medium and high stiffness
Gara 3000 LD: between soft to medium stiffness
You'll find the 2000 sold at significantly cheaper prices than the others, but this doesn't mean it's poor quality. The 2000 is being sold cheaper only because it's an older model that will be discontinued and replaced by the new Gara Professional, coming in shops from April.
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