Ok, Bevan, here are our findings.
They are manually measured, counting from the wrist, but the numbers were also shown on my cheap HR monitor, accept for those bolow 30 ...
Ok after some warm up dives I found that my sinuses were pretty closed, and they seem to have only tiny holes equilising only very slow.
In static my HR drops to about 40, and when the contractions start (pretty early in my case... ~3 minutes) it goes up to about 60-70, where it seem to fluctuate between 60- 80. Need to do some more experiments, and a real max (just befor LMC).
Back to the 10m deep dive tower sunday.
I've dived several times with a breath out before going down to -5m. It was pretty hard to breath the same amout out every dive.
And my 'passive' breath out seems to be more of a active breathout. Maybe I can discribe both best as followed.
1passive out and 2 easy full out
In the first I found that my HR goes from a ~ 70/80 standing on the surface to a 40 at 5m depth, where I've still some air left to clear with valsava from the lungs.
When doing the easy full out, I can only compensate fronm the lungs to a depth of 2m, after that I only have the full mouth. I'm still learning the technique... at -5 I sit down an Rik measures the HR, and compares to the HR monitor. There wasn't much to compare, the monitor declaired me dead.. 0.. Rik measured 6 beats in 15 sec, 24BPM. really low. I heart Mine heartbeat at fist, but lost it, but I could hear Rik's instead
Anyway we need more practice, and want to go there more. I hope I can discover more, and learn to do BTV. The no hands equalisation is comming, but the mouthfull is still difficult as I swallow the air to much.
We've had a nice training day, and we've done al sorts of practicing, schot photo's, rescuetraining, no fins, duckdives etc.