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Results of my first summer in Gib (Pics)

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Sea fanatic
May 2, 2005
Hey guys and girls nowadays , here they are, some of my pics from my first (serious)summer spearfishing..

I have been fishing a lot, and it has been a very special experience in these waters,....at times has been very frustrating, although I suspect I am not the only one with these issues , currents, blunt speartips, sinking guns, forgetting my weight belt :duh ....
Unfortunately I do not have a pic from my first mero....(merito), and Memo and Shaneshac, do not laugh.....my cat destroyed the camera.. rofl rofl rofl rofl
But...it has been fantastic!!


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Reactions: Pablo and vivien
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez I can see the monster at the back!!! and worst of all cat is looking to your bottom to destroy man!!!!!!!

Very nice fish
Nice fishing Mikey

That cat is deadly

It has destroyed a Totem Pelagos and a digital Camera. rofl rofl rofl
nice fishes greendiver! and nice cat...

weight belt forgetting must be a generel spearo disease rofl :duh rofl
You're right Viv

You only realise when you get in the water and feel really light and comfortable rofl rofl rofl
Super fishes Mickey,go on mate,but be careful about that suspicious ..
Seems to me that you had a nice time over there! Congrats for the fishes and do something about that cat man....we don't want that cat to stop you going fishing one day!


Soon.....I will post a pic of my NASTY cat!!!. I got 3 of them by the way :hmm ,something wrong with me...........
If I was you I would chop the critter up for chum... :martial
Very nice fish
nice fishes be carefull about those cats, you never know when they attack :ko
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