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RIB, Off to a bad start

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Gear Buying addict
Sep 3, 2005
well i got my new RIB on Friday morning..looked very good, i was very excited.. spent the whole day friday, buying stuff to get me started..2-stroke oil, fuel, rope for mooring, anchor line etc...

Saturday morning, went to work on the mooring early, since i intend to moor it infront of the house..i had the weights in the water from my last RIB so only needed new line/pendant etc... anyway after some dives (good practice) everything was in order, the float was secured, had enough slack to account for tide, had a back up line in case this breaks all good !

Fueled the RIB, and added the oil for break in etc... and decided to try the motor out n dry land before i launch (of course with fresh water running through the engine)...i didnt want to try that at the ramp as the ramp we have is treacherous...its not protected from surf, so actually the waves break on the ramp as you launch and retreive !!!
all looking good, engine started immediately..tried the manual trim mechanism as i have to adjust it to shallow drive when launching...
it was a bit choppy at the ramp but i decided to give it a go anyway...
i launch and as soon as im off the trailer..into the surf..the engine cuts F$%K!!! i try to raise it but the mechanism for manual trim is not working as it shouldm the engine could only be fully down now..so be it, tide was high....i try to start again, it stats, tried to put it in reverse..the gear shift woudnt lock...egine dies again,...i have to act fast in a few seconds ill be washung on the ramp again and damage is imminent.., i start quickly, put in forward and make a sharp turn to get out of danger..it works..phew...
anyway i go to the other side of the pier which is much calmer, then went to remove my car from the ramp...
got back to the rib tried to figure whats wrong, with the manual trim...its not locking as it should
so i decide ill just take it for a little spin and then back out of the water,,.
when i took it out i was happy, it went smooth, its spacious, and that 40HP is packing a lot of power...
10 minutes and i feel the sea is rising still, waves are getting bigger...i decide to take it out before conditions become impossible at the ramp...
gear gave me trouble again, so decided to just lift the engie and pull ity on the trailer...waves didnt make it easy...once it was on the trailer it was riding low, and waves were breaking in and filling it up woth water...PROBLEM: trailer too short!!!
anyway i got it out of the water and opened the engine box to see whats wrong with the gear and i found that something is broken...thank god im out of the water,,,
i called the guy up and he agreed to replace the engine and was very apologetic..seems we got a bad engine, my bad luck...
so now im bummed but hopefully well get this sorted soon and be back on the water having fun...
heres a few pics:


  • RIB002.JPG
    97.5 KB · Views: 191
  • RIB008.JPG
    132.5 KB · Views: 172
  • RIB006.JPG
    105 KB · Views: 152
  • RIB007.JPG
    132.9 KB · Views: 155
"Ar well" at least you have got the boat & I promise I wont mention Honda :blackeye
Marwan mate sorry to read that it didn’t quite go to plan but then again with any new anything there will always be teething problems.
I just got the steering sorted on mine this last Sunday and I’m 100% happier with it now then when I started out. At least I can now give it a hand full of throttle and the bloody thing doesn’t try to kill me.
Keep yer chin up bud and it’ll all work out.

This will probably will make you feel better, my first trip on my tin can I've climber on a bunch of rocks ! Busted my prop, etc ... That was last year.

On 2008, well lets not talk about that just yet, I've got 2 feet of snow Friday.

That is a very nice boat !
Reactions: Marwan
Looks good in any case marwan at least you find out about the problem now instead of something rearing up in a years time and not being covered by the dealer.
Reactions: Marwan
Should have bought the 25 dude rofl

Yeah better you find a problem now than later or even worse 5 miles out.

Look at all that room you have! My God, that is twice what we have on the 6M RIB with the console.
Reactions: Marwan
Thats exactly what I would like to have down here Mar! I love the space you have in there without a center console, and looks like you have a nice deep keel for that size rib. That thing must move with a 40hp ..... what size rib 13ish?? Anyway I'm sure you'll be up and running soon enough, with a motor that doesn't hate you :t
thanks Mahi, its actually a 14' so yes lots of room in there...
Marwan, I cant find you original thread I think MahiMan might like to read it?
yeah that went for ages didnt it i thought at some point you guys were going to ask that i get banned
What a nightmare! V. nice RIB though Marwan.
You'll soon have it back with an engine that works Marwan. Have fun!
I am seeing all these posts late, i have been "trying" to get some work done recently instead of dreaming about being in the water...

nice boat marwan, i was worried you had biffed it up at the start of the story, I'm sure you'll get it straight.

when is the "DB does Egypt" summer tour? i'll need to book my tickets in advance..
the tour is always on azapa...hop on any time man ..
rib update: engine is still to be changed, installing a frame with rod holders for trolling, intalling shade (foldable bimini top), changing trailer... i think it should be 10 days or so...hopefully all will be well again
Reactions: azapa and podge
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