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riffe silent hunter

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jul 12, 2006
Lost my fins in katrina and finally looking to buy a new pair. found a good deal on the riffes but have not heard much about them. just looking for some input anything would be appreciated.
I saw them at a diving expo the foot pocket is like the old omer tuna pockets but the blade is a little on the flimsy side. It does have side rails to help guide the water down the fin. I havent gotten a chance to try the fins out though. I spoke to jay riffe at the show as well and he said that for him its a great fin for surface swimming and easy on the body. He said that he has a broken hip and doesnt feel any pain even after a day of diving.
Not so sure how it does on dives though.
If you cant find anything you should try some sort of fiber blade. they tend to hold their elasticity longer than regular plastic fins.
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