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Riffe Silent hunter

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Oct 1, 2007
hey, i was just wondering what you guys thought of these fins, i was checking them out today at the store and there going to get my size in so i can make sure they fit good.

i read somewhere that there a spin off from the OMER millennium series, and if so dose anyone know it the blades are compatible with one another??

anyways Cheers!
I found the riffe foot pockets to very uncomfortable. The silent hunter blades had a good overall water channeling effect. There was little side to side movement compared to other long blades that i have tried. However, personally I did not like these fins. They seemed to be a lot of work with little benefit. Also they are quite expensive for a plastic fin. I have the omer foot pockets with ice blades, rekord and c4 80 flaps . I love all of these blade/pocket combinations. If your looking for comfort at a great price, look at the cressi gara 3000 or 2000. Dont waste your time with the riffes.
In what way are they uncomfortable? Are they very narrow, too stiff or an odd shape? Just interested that's all, I have the Omers and a pair of Cressis too and totally agree :)
The foot-pockets on the riffes are made from a much harder rubber. The pockets dig into my achilles and agitates them after long kick cycles. The pockets also rub the top of my foot and cause great pain even after a short while. I tried the riffe fin keepers to see if that made a difference, but it did not. I also tried to just work the pockets and thought that hopefully over time they would soften up, they did a little but they are still just too hard. The blades on the riffes are great. They have good rails that prevent your kicks from moving laterally. I love all the products that Jay comes up with, but these fins arent for me.
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