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rig jr

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May 28, 2002
Today my first child was born. Presley Jayce Freeman weighed in at 8lbs, 3 oz. Due to c-section we wont be coming home for a couple days. Pics to come soon.
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Congratulations Mike! Having a child is a blessing. :)

Congratulations Mike! I wish all the best for your family and its new member!
Hope we hear soon about your first dive together!
Congratulations Rig!

Wish you countless happiest moments together!

Congrats, babydiving, play group, pre-school... diving, diving, diving...


Congrats to you and your wife. In Canada we say "she pulled the goalie" (Hockey reference, for you soccer fans)
So I guess there will be a Mini-Carbine under the tree in a few years?
Erik Y.
That's awesome Mike!

Mine's just over a year now and seems to love the water almost as much as I do.

Your going to have fun!

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Congrats Rig, my sister gave birth to twins 3 weeks ago. :)

Hey Jon, you and your daughter are running a marine supply store? ;)
Congrats, Rig. They don't stay little long, so enjoy every moment with your little bundle of joy that you can.
Hey Mike,

Congratulations man!!! You're aiming for half a dozen little Mikeys running around right? Hey, I made myself a few floatline from the same material I sent ya...and it's proving to be great in the kelp...I just put medium or small boat bumpers in the end and they work great..Again, congrats on your first one and get him/her in the water quickly. Peace out

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