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Rigging my gun for Florida...got a few questions...

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I just wanna dive
Jul 11, 2005
I'm preparing my 90cm Omer HF for a trip to Florida. I'm wondering first, what size fish is a 90cm gun good up to?

I have put the reel back on it. There is an eyelet on the muzzle and I routed the line trough that eyelet. Is that the norm? It seems a lit of the reeled setups I've seen, the line is free to the spool. Am I mistaken or are there benefits from one method to the other?

Spearing in WI we use a float attached to the gun with a floatline. Is there any issue with using that same method in the ocean? If we have to shore dive that is the method I would most likely switch too.

Thanks for any help and advice you have to offer!
I don't think you need the reel set up with the float line attached o the gun. The 90 is a good all around gun for 80% of what you'll be shooting in and around Miami/Keys, and probably most of the rest of Fl, we've shot 20+lb grouper with similiar size guns...the exception is BW in which case a bigger gun would be the ticket.

There is an eyelet on the muzzle and I routed the line trough that eyelet. Is that the norm? It seems a lit of the reeled setups I've seen, the line is free to the spool

both have been used...norm? what norm?

Where abouts are you headed?
Reactions: ILDiver
Yeah Yeah let us know! where in FL will you be! Like steel said 90cm gun would prob suit all you're spearfishing needs in Florida unless you head to deeper blue waters then I suggest you bring you floats. I personally don't use reels nor floats even though I would prefer a reel than a float on my gun Bad Experience with float line 1 day.:naughty

My 90 RA with a single 20mm band goes through 35+ Cudas without a problem. So I would assume you would be fine. Unless you plan to shoot Goliath groupers ^ north lol yeah that is illegal.
Reactions: ILDiver
Your set up sounds good to me. If you end up doing shoredives, you MUST have a float! People will literally run you over. Even with a kayak you're at risk. Good luck.
Reactions: Mr. X and ILDiver
Sorry, forgot to mention location. Whopperhead and I are going to the FIT class in Ft Lauderdale the first weekend in April. We are planning to do some spearing on the 9th and 10th (Wed & Thurs). Wreckrunner is supposed to set us up with a friend of his to go out on his boat, but nothing confirmed yet.

As for the reel/float. If we go out on a boat I figure a reel would be ideal. If we have to shore dive I'd go with the float and put a muzzle bungee on.
Congrats on FIT...generally the cappy likes to keep an eye on his "submergers" so a float is a good thing...good point on the boaters, but they're out andabout everywhere not just shore
IL diver, i wouldnt recommend using a reel and a float, thats too much line...
i dont know the botom conditions over there but if you wont be hunting a lot in caves, i would recommend the float setup also for the boating concerns outlined earlier, also keep a flag on the float makes it easier for your boat to locate you..i find this always a safer choice if the conditions allow for it (hunting in caves, kelp etc... may not permit the use of float line)
also if most of the fish youre going after will be groupers, look into a slightly thicker spear, the riffe euro 6.75mm is a great choice, i use it on my omer excalibur, with 18 or 20mm band.. (18 works just fine i took a 20kg grouper with that setup, my gun is a 100)..
happy hunting and post some pics and a report

Since you're shore-diving, you have no choice. You HAVE to use a floatline. It shows other aquatic users like boats, jetski's, kayak's, etc where you are. In some places its even required by law to use a float with a dive-flag on it.

The advantages of using a floatline:
offers you a place to put your fish
offers you a resting platform should you get cramps or get tired
makes you very visible to others

tangles with EVERYTHING!!roflrofl
offers more resisitance when you're diving compared to a reel

Its is how-ever very easy to lose a reelgun. With a floatline and float you can drop your gun with no problems!!

I would not use both the reel and the floatline at the same time. I've just seen and heard that the reel setup out on a boat is more streamlined and works out really well. I need to get a longer floatline anyway. And with the speed stringer idea that I saw today from you I can't wait to try.... I was kind of hoping to get away with just a reel and feeling a little more "free". I'm not opposed to the float and line by any means.

I do have a 7mm shaft, along with the 6.75 shark finned shaft that came with the gun. I will most likely buy a shaft or two while in Florida too.
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