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Roatan rocks

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Andrew the fish

Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
I was there 11 days in January and it was a blast. After cold waters of British Columbia, 26 celcius water felt like a pee water. Nice and clear, reef is just a short swim from shore, although I was taking a boat with scuba divers most of the time. Beautiful wall drop, rich with marine life, turtles, murenas, lobster and such. My son took his open water course (he is 12) and I filmed it while freediving with him, have a look

Anton's first dive Roatan Honduras January 24th 2013 - YouTube

Also, worth to mention, Walid is there on the Roatan offering some advanced freediving training. He is staying at Splash Inn. Anyways, If someone is planning a trip someplace warm Roatan gets my vote.
Can't believe I missed this thread.

I've heard great things about Honduras, and your video confirms that. The site is beautiful. What depths did you dive?
I was diving anywhere between 1 and 25 meters, you can go deeper if you want, some good deeper sites. I understand right now is their prime season, not too hot and neither rainy.
Only allowed lionfish and then only once you take a specific course and only with a supplied (purchased) spear tied to your name.

AMAZING reefs / life.
Great diving. For spearing... Look elsewhere.
Perhaps one can spearfish on Guanaja, I have seen some pictures of people fishing there, and it is way out of beat tourist track. Locals do whatever they want there, there was even commercial fishing fleet on Guanaja. Also, you can charter fishing boat from Roatan and go wherever they normally go for fishing, I understand they go quite ways out from aquatic marine park. Chartering the boat isn't cheap, like 200$ for a day and it is usually a very small fiberglass open boat with outboard motor. I am just guessing, haven't done any of this myself. My 2c
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