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Rob Allen 130 cm Aluminum (and other questions)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
Hi, I know that there is a lot of information about these guns around already, but I have some questions that I couldn't find answers for.

What is the killing range with this gun (7.5 mm shaft, double 16's)? Enough for blue water/big fish? Is this gun to cumbersome to hunt with on a reef?

Do the guns have a standard rail? My plan is to buy a double band 130 cm with a 7.5 mm shaft and another shaft that is 6.6 mm (for reef hunting). Will both shafts work with the same rail?

Do you have to order the open muzzle separate, or does it come standard?

has the plastic line release ever caused anyone any problems?

I plan to buy it from floridafreedivers.com. Would YOU recommend dealing with them? Over the internet? Over the phone? Horror stories? Shipping time?

How is bulk tubing from FF? is it fresh?

Oh yeah, has anyone ever bought the Rob Allen floatline? Does it actually float or is it just "line for your float"? What is the breaking strength on it?

Rob Allen's Tuna, (2 x 16mm + 7,5mm aluminium rail barrel model), comes standart with the double muzzle, but it can be changed on request to the open muzzle, (wich i do reccomend in this size of barrel for a clear sighting).

The rail in all Rob Allen guns is standart in every measure of barrel despite being carbon or aluminium and it fits perfectly in 6,6mm shafts as it does on 7,5mm ones.

As for the 6,6mm shaft i must mention that the amount of band power needed to drive a 7,5mm shaft, depending of course on the strength of your shooting arm, will probably unbalance a 6,6mm one for its lighter mass, making it whip a bit with the consequent loss of accuracy.
(So taking one band when using it maybe would be recommended.)

The plastic line release is quite resistant and as far as i know none of my clients had problems with those, but if you want it can be upgraded to a stainless steel one as well.

The 130 barrel is one of the most versatile measure, here in Mozambique its probably the most used, along with 140's.
Its used for bluewater as wellas reef hunting by spearos who only have one gun, making the 130 and the 140 they measure of choice.
When rigged with 2 x 16mm and a 7,5mm shaft it can deliver a 4 to 5 meter shot with no problems, still with real penetrating power within full range.
If you see most records on marlin are taken with barrels that range from 120 to 140, having no problems copping with those fish.

Here's a picture of a friend and dive buddy, Vasco Serraventoso with a 170 Kg black marlin taken with a 140:

And some smaller reef fish taken in the 4 to 5 meter range with a 130:

As for the floatline, it does float and it can perfectly take on big fish with no problems.
Nevertheless i do advise Rob Allen's new Bluewater Floatline, we have been using them here with amazing results on landing big fish.
It streches 2 times its lengh, but on a very progressive manner, so its ideal to always keep a grip on your fish wihout loosing control over it, even in the first run, it doesnt entagle like most floatlines on the market avoiding a lot of mess in the boat and on the water, and it has good holding capabilities, making fish retrivel more effective.
A must for bluewater...
(So far every one of my clients who has tryed it doesnt wont another.)

Any other questions please feel free to contact me,

Best regards,

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Reactions: Mr. X
Wow, thanks! that was really helpful. Just to clarify, we are both talking about this floatline, right? Sorry for the double check, it just really doesn't look like it floats!

I had thought of taking a band off for reef hunting with the thinner shaft. I was wondering, does a single 16 have the umpf to launch a 6.6 shaft? Or would a larger band work better?

Rob Allen hasn't updated his website for awhile, so its hard to know exactly whats current... I've never even heard of this new floatline he's making.

I'd still like to hear from somebody that's worked with Florida Freedivers before I order from them. Last time I ordered from an online spearfishing store I ended up getting an empty box with a hole in it.:rcard
I haven't ordered anything through florida freedivers, but have however spoken with them over the phone and email, very good customer service and if they were allowed to supply me with rob allen gear I would have bought it. That isn't the blue water floatline, but it does float, however it gets tangled easily and is a pain in the arse. get the blue water line, I have a different brand float line and it's awesome, if robs are anything like it get one.
SMALLER REEF FISH..................... that are all 10 times bigger than my personal best... gotta love Diaz, so modest its untrue!!!
Reactions: Royce808
Flfreedivers is a good company I have ordered from them before and every thing is fine and trust worthy.
Good to hear. I was looking at some stuff on Spearboard.com and came across some threads the FF has posted in. They seem pretty concerned with customer satisfaction. Hopefully i'll hear back from my friend that's driving to La Paz so i can order it. I really wish mexico had better shipping...
I use freediving and spearfishing equipment, FreeDiveShop they are bettter... I think its cost a doller more But have herd bad stuff about flfreedivers

Been dealing with FF for a couple years now. I can say that is one company that has NEVER let me down! Mike is the man!

I live in Japan and shipping from them on the norm from order to receipt is a week.

Recently many people had problems with RA shafts and rusting (not a FF problem) FF replaced the shafts without asking customers to return them. THATS SERVICE!

Nothing wrong with the Free Dive Shop either!
Reactions: Mr. X
...I had thought of taking a band off for reef hunting with the thinner shaft. I was wondering, does a single 16 have the umpf to launch a 6.6 shaft? Or would a larger band work better?
Yes, that's the factory shipped standard configuration for the Rob Allen Sparid configuration. You could use a 20mm band instead (as I do currently) but I prefer the 16mm configuration for the smaller fish we get here in the UK.

...Rob Allen hasn't updated his website for awhile, so its hard to know exactly whats current... I've never even heard of this new floatline he's making.
The RA site was completely changed within the last 12 months, so its not that out of date. The float lines do float. I have the inexpensive polyproplyene rope in olive/Thai curry green - cheap & cheerful. Must be strong enough for big fish (all their equipment is) as their joey pouch break-away system is designed to be used with it. They have offered a fancier more expensive orange sealed-tube floatline for sometime too. Stretching 2x, sounds like it might be like rubber bungee, which they have also offered for sometime. I have a selection of bungees bought in various places, inc. eBay but haven't used it for float line yet but some people (SettingSteel?) do. Alternatively a short section might be useful as a shock absorber.

...I'd still like to hear from somebody that's worked with Florida Freedivers before I order from them. Last time I ordered from an online spearfishing store I ended up getting an empty box with a hole in it.:rcard
I believe FF have been the official US importer of RA for several years now -- how good they are, I have no idea.

BTW Consider getting a carbon barrel, I was sceptical but am now a convert to carbon. Suggest reading reviews by forum veteran Miles first, for a balanced perspective.
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I've ordered from Florida Freedivers, I've talked with them on the phone and I've stopped in their shop while down there. Always a good experience. Items packed well and nothing damaged.
Yes, that's the factory shipped standard configuration for the Rob Allen Sparid configuration. You could use a 20mm band instead (as I do currently) but I prefer the 16mm configuration for the smaller fish we get here in the UK.
I do have some 19mm material lying around, so if all goes well I might put that on. I guess it really comes down to weather or not I can load it...

BTW Consider getting a carbon barrel, I was sceptical but am now a convert to carbon. Suggest reading reviews by forum veteran Miles first, for a balanced perspective.
I don't think my wallet is a friend of carbon...
I get my RA's from Jimdoe2you, a member of this site with a store in florida.

the more I shoot them the more I like them, my 110RA Tuna with a hammerhead conversion w/ 2x16mm was a lazer. stoned everything I pointed it at. now sadly lives in the sand somewhere off Daytona Beach...
I have dealt a little with Florida freedivers. They are GREAT.
As to the dillema of gun size, I saw on the Sumora website (also very good)that they are doing a special, one handle, one muzzle, two barrels and spears for a reduced price (maybe get a 140 and a 100, solve that flexibilty issue) I have a 140, its a pretty powerfull gun. Will blow right through a smaller fish, probably not so good for reef hunting.
Boyd E.
Imperial Beach,
Grrrr.... FF just raised their prices for all RA gear... what crappy timing....
FYI, just incase nobody has heard the latest news, as of October 1st Rob Allen guns have just gone up in price considerably. I am a big fan of Rob Allen guns, a big supporter of its products, and an authorized Rob Allen dealer, but the price increase is a quite heavy.

For example, the cost on some of the most popular sizes of carbon guns have gone up a 35% to 40%.

The biggest example is the RA Carbon 160cm went from a retail of $504 to $678. The dealer's cost increase went up disproportionately to the buyer's retail cost so we as dealers now have a lower ROI.

All this info is not meant to be negative, .....just matter a factly and to keep the public informed.

I still have a full stock of RA gun sizes 70cm to 120cm (130cm and up are special order through my store) and will continue selling these at the old pricing until the stock runs out. Get your great deals while these last folks!!!

I don't think my wallet is a friend of carbon...
I know the feeling. I'm not sure how much more carbon is for an RA these days - but it should be much less than it was. Carbon was quite expensive but the costs have been falling fast. I some excellent carbon fishing rods which were very cheap - less than 1/10th of the first carbon rods. My last speargun purchase (an Omer) has a slim & carbon barrel & cost less than £100 inc. significant shipping costs & VAT. Aluminium works too though

JimDoe2You is a long time forum member with a good sense of humour, I'm sure he'd treat you well.

Oh, I didn't see all the new posts. Jeez, hiking up the prices in these conditions (recession, much stronger $$$, tumbling gas prices) is crazy. Is the Rand's value shooting up for some reason? (Flight to gold?) Sounds like Jim's might be the best best. Failing that, might be worth considering another brand until the prices drop. Are the Rabitechs also up in price? I see they have a new handle with all s/steel trigger mech. - the well regarded older models might offer good value? Perhaps the European & USA brands offer better value under current conditions?
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I think I'm going to have to wait to buy this gun anyways. I don't know if any of you have been following the mexican peso recently, but its almost at 13 pesos to one USD. that sucks. two weeks ago I could afford the gun, extra spear, and floatline. today I can't even afford the gun

So my purchase is delayed till the peso bounces back. I probably won't get my gear till january. [sad face]
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