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Rob Allen carbon roller tips


New Member
Aug 29, 2024
Hello guys,

Have you some tips for roller gun ?? Because sometimes i wondering if i use the good setup or if i use correctly my roller.

My roller is a Rob allen carbon 120 with 65cm of 16mm band (rob allen) and a 6.5mm sharkfin shaft
(I switch with a 7mm sharkfin shaft but i don't try it)

Thank you.
1x16mm with a 6,5mm shaft is a good combination. Not as powerful as with a 17,5mm pair of bands but easy to load. With a 120cm gun you'll have good range (4-4,2m) even with a light roller setup like this one, so I don't see any problems with it.

If you want more powerful shots you can switch to 17,5mm rubbers, with or without upping the shaft diameter to a 6,75mm one (7mm is too heavy and slow for a single roller!). Additionally, you could add a 1x14mm booster, or turn the roller into a HEPA (like Seawolf/Alemmani rollers).
Thank you for reply.
But i have a problem, i switch my 6.5mm notched shaft (RA) with a 6.5mm sharkfins shaft (RA) and my shooots are less accurate and goes to the right. It is because of the sharkfins ??

When people see my setup, they recommended to switch my shaft to a 7mm.
my shooots are less accurate and goes to the right. It is because of the sharkfins ??
Could be, but shooting left/right generally has to do with steady aim and recoil. But it could be many other factors too.
Try to set up your wishbone like in the pic attached (a double wishbone). The shorter wishbone climbs on the stoppers while the longer one is cocked to the sharkfin.
When people see my setup, they recommended to switch my shaft to a 7mm.
Heavier shafts are more steady but also significantly slower, especially for single rollers. They act as compensation for not shooting straight (for whatever reason, often multiple ones at once) but at the price of effective range. Which means that, for Dentex for example, the shot becomes too slow and the trajectory worse (shaft isn't charged with enough energy to reach it quickly so even if the shaft travels to 5m, its actual range is around 3m).
Most rollers are ridiculously underpowered.


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shooting left/right generally has to do with steady aim and recoil
Yeah maybe i'm not used to the less recoil give by the roller yet.
The shorter wishbone climbs on the stoppers while the longer one is cocked to the sharkfin.
The longer one need to be this long ?? (like in your picture)
the shot becomes too slow and the trajectory worse
I will keep this in the back on my mind and maybe do some tests with my shafts
The longer one need to be this long ?? (like in your picture)
No not at all. I had mine only 3-4 cm longer when loaded. The pic isn't from my gun.
maybe do some tests with my shafts
6.5mm is fine if you avoid rocks. I had to switch mine for a 6,75mm one because of this, otherwise I'd stick with the 6.5mm one. A 6.5mm shaft of 140+cm has enough weight to reach 4-5m with good speed.
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