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Roller rubber band length

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2010
Hey guys,
Just thinking about converting my Geronimo elite into Geronimo Elite Roller.
Before I get to to the process I would appreciate some help. I ve got 2 questions:
1) I looked at Alemanni roller heads (alemannisub.it) and DeepCarbon (deepcarbon.gr) but both heads seem to just slide into the barrel. I didnt find any screw that would keep the head from rotating. Or it will not? All guns that I have previously seen had a screw which kept the head in position.
2) How long is say a 18mm band on a 115cm roller? Will I even need a 18mm band? maybe 16 mm will do the work? I mean, compare it to a traditional one 18mm band setup.

Why would I want to convert my gun into a roller? Well, I am bored because the sea is too rough to go diving. And days like these bring some crazy ideas...
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