What whopperhead suggested WILL work, and it works well. Fish are un-used to searching for threats from below, so they will swim right over the top of you. In my old camo beuchat, I would lie face down in the milfoil and completely blend in. then Slowly turn up, pick a fish and shoot. Problem is, especially in deeper waters, like where us central guys have to hunt for bluegills, you have to be a good diver to go down to depth and do that. I dont know your diving skill, but its hard for me! Like winks said, my biggest rule is that you are NOT a hunter. Thats the mentality you have to have. You are just going for a dive, exploring, just become another fish. Soon enough the fish will swim right along side you, unconcerned. Slowly "glide" your gun as I think might have been mentioned before, and pull the trigger. Ive gotten to the point where I feel like my gun is almost an extension of my body. I dont have to aim or anything, if the shot isnt there, I wont take it. Most of my shots (85% are straight through the gills) its just something that comes with time. The knowledge of the guns abilities, the way the fish is swimming, and how you are reacting to it, will all work in your mind, as one, and youll be a sharpshooter. Good luck. Just remember passiveness and time spent in the water will equate out to lots of fish.