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Room with a view

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Jay Styron

New Member
Aug 31, 2001
As I sit here at my computer I look out the window and see a Schoolmaster snapper, wait, there's a Yellowtail, now there's a school of Barracuda, earlier there was a 6'-7' Lemon shark cruising around. At any given time I can look out and see grouper, snapper, chubs, angelfish, jacks and barracuda. And occasionally a sea turtle will suprise me w/ a visit.
Some of you are probably thinking, "He's just daydreaming in front of his computer at work". Well, I am in front of my computer at work, but this time my work is actually underwater in the Aquarius habitat off the Florida Keys. I'm currently 50 feet underwater where I've been here for the past 4 days and will be for 6 more. I'm here with Thor(yea, that's his real name) running the system for four scientist that are doing research on reef ecology.
You definately get a better feel for the underwater world after living in it for an extended period of time. Looking out, you can see how fish interact with each other as well as the enviroment.
Part of our job is to do maintenience on the habitat. We go out and clean the growth off the external valving,entry/exit point, ect. While doing this we make quite a few friends. I have Spainish Hogfish fighting to be my buddy to get the next oyster I crack. Or Queen Angel fish eating out of my hand along with Butterfly fish. There are two Jewfish(sorry I don't buy into that PC stuff) that will park themselve about a foot away from me and just watch me clean. You soon recognize individual fish and it's like seeing a old friend when they swim up to you(granted I know they only associate me with food). It's a true blessing to be able to do this. To be able to spend hours not just precious minutes or seconds really makes you feel like you are a part of this enviroment but strangely at the same time shows you just how much you're not from here and are truely only a visitor.
Well, just wanted to share a bit of my world. Hope all is well with everyone.
Oh Man, what a blast! There's no way we could connect via a webcam is there? Thanks for spreading the feeling! I can just imagine it....

Thanks Jay, just saw a couple of fish swim by!

I saw a programme on that facility some years ago I think, with some group if international scientists living there. Figured it would be the perfect place to have a vecation (or a honeymoon) in.
Do you freedive from there? Your buttom times must be much longer, and none of that descending/ascending issue...
Ofcoruse if you'de have to abort a dive by getting to the surface you might suffer serious injury and DCS....
I'de still give it a try if there are no strong currents I think.

Keep making us all envy.
Very cool, I'm stuck in a cube day dreaming of being back Hawaii. I would be collecting some marine sample of those yellow tail, for scientific purely purposes. Reminds me that I need a change of address to be closer to sea level or even better, below sea level.
Pretty cool site, there seems to be a slipstream for fish to hang out in, because there have been three barracuda's mugging the camara for about five minutes straight.
Jay, good to hear from you. You truly lead the life! When you gonna pull yourself away from work long enough to make a trip? Rig hunting is about done for the year but the tuna/wahoo run will be starting soon!
checked out the live web cam and Jay is intent on hiding behind the "hey Maunuel" sign....yall dont have anything better to do?

Am checking out the barracuda swimming against the current...Amazing. Thanks Jay
Hey guys,
Yea, I must say it's pretty cool being able to live underwater for awhile. Especially in a place like this where the viz is usually pretty good and the water is usually warm. We're in our last day now and actually we're going through deco, 16hrs.
Yea, Sharky you've probably seen me on one of the web cams. Can't hardly get away from the things down here. We have two outside and one inside. Gotta watch what you do done here, cause someone else probably is too. :hmm
Holding your breath is no problem down here. I can probably get 1.5 times duration on a breath up. We're not allowed to do any freediving from the habitat anymore but when we could it was amazing to go out and it seemed like you could go forever.
Not sure when I'm gonna be able to make it out your way Rig but don't shoot'em all till I get there. Well better get back to running the deco. Just wanted to ck in. Take care everyone and thanks for the response.
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