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Safe depth for beginning?

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New Member
Jul 21, 2012

I would like to know what is the max safe depth to go for beginner? I asking because i am new for diving and want to know how deep can i go to get comfortable being under water. Is 3-5 meters ok without much of experience? Hope my question is understandable because my english may be not so fluent.
Hi. I am new to free diving too. I dive with my brother who is also a beginner. We employ a basic buddy system during dives. Anyway, I'm no expert but I think 10 to 15 meters is a very good depth for beginners. You get to experiance pressure change and you also have enough depth to work on your equalizing technique. Of course it all depends on how you feel. If 5m is all you feel comfortable with, then stick with that for a while.
Hi vilistaja, i think your question is a little like "which speed is safe in a car?". of course everybody will agree that speed is very important for safety in driving, at the same time, answering by suggesting a particular speed is just nonsense. "how to be safe?", can not be answered on a forum. especially not to a beginner, thats my opinion at least.
what i can say is that for me safety is connected to the trust in oneself and a mindful approach.

vilistaja, the deper you go the longer way up to te surface. Sure, all beginners can dive to 15 meters, but I think the key is staying within comfortable zone, no contractions. Also, why do you dive, your bottom times get shorter the deeper you go. In my opinion deeper dives are way boring for beginners, it is much like "touch-and-go". Another matter is visibility and your buddy's ability to retrieve you from the bottom. Say, if you can dive to 20 meters while your buddy has't even learnt how to equalize, that would be asking for a trouble.
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